chapter 41

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"dream? what the fuck you look like shit." sapnap blurted out.

dream shrugged standing in the door frame.

"where's george? or whoever."

dreams stomach dropped.

"oh uh not here right now," he mumbled.

Sapnap walked though the door slightly gagging.

"God, it reeks in here"

"Yea, I know" he mumbled

Sapnap shut the door behind him "I'm not letting you get like this again dream, and you know damn well I fucking mean it."

As much as Dream wanted to drag sapnap out of his apartment right then and there, he couldn't. Neither did he have the energy to try, he knew he needed help, just didn't know how to ask for it.

"I thought things were getting better but hear we are so I really don't know what's going on Dream. I want to help you I really do but you have to let me."

"Okay..." tears threatened the corners of dreams eyes and a lump formed in his throat as he tried his hardest to avoid eye contact with sapnap.

Sapnap wrapped both his arms around him

"I care about you dream"

Dream had been holding in so many emotions for the past couple days and couldn't hold it in anymore feeling tears run down his cheeks.

He needed this.

After a hug which felt like forever, sapnap dragged Dream to the washroom

"Go shower and brush your teeth while I clean up a bit" said sapnap shutting the door and looking around. He worked his way from the kitchen the the bedrooms doing what he could.

George POV

George fiddled with what was left of his phone.

Unfortunately, unlike Dream, he had no one. No one besides Carter at least, but that didn't count.

He waited, for a sign or a chance to get out even if it was only for a little while. There was no hope for George, at least for the moment.

Now staring at the scratches and cuts on his finger tips from his shattered phone.

Standing up, he walked over to the door that was open by only the smallest bit just enough for him to peek through.

He tried his best to look outside the room to check where Carter was, he wasn't in sight.

His stomach grumbled, he hadn't eaten anything since the day before.

George took one last look outside and quietly and quickly made his way to the kitchen.

He rummaged though the pantry, mostly just empty beer bottles everywhere. His eyes roaming the fridge, he took the last apple, sure it wasn't very filling, but it was what he could find.

Making sure everything was in place as it was before, he quietly ran back to the room shutting the door successfully not making a sound.

Sitting down panting, he took a bite. It felt so good to finally eat something, although it had only been a day it felt like so long because he hadn't been used to it.

He was used to dream always eating with him or telling him to eat, not skipping meals almost everyday or worrying about what Carter will say.

As he took another bite, he heard a door shut followed by footsteps.

George could feel his heart skip two beats, he could only imagine the what Carter would do if he found out that He'd ate without his permission.

He quickly slid the apple under some dirty clothes, he didn't care if it was gross, that wasn't something that mattered right now.

Carter burst though the door seconds later looking around.

He slowly walked over and crouched down to Georges level as he was sitting on the ground. Grabbing his face to look at him, pressing his grip around his chin.

"What the fuck do you think your doing"

George felt like he was about to throw up he was so anxious about what Carter was going to do. He didn't respond.

"I said what the fuck do you think your doing are you stupid or something?" His voice got a little louder this time.

"I-I don't know what your talking about" George was about to cry, he didn't want to, not right now, he couldn't. 'No no no why do you always cry stop.' He'd thoughts to himself trying to control himself.

"Look up there" he chuckled

Carter tightening his grip once again on George's face forced him to look up at the corner of the room, a camera. 'Your so fucking stupid he would never leave you alone like that' George thought to himself tearing up again.

Slight trigger warning ⚠️

And with that Carter slammed his head into the wall letting go of his chin.

"What did we talk about hm?" Carter stopped to kick George in the stomach, he was now on his side blocking his head with his arms.

"You don't eat unless I tell you to" once again kicking George this time harder "you bitch" he scoffed

"Got it?" His voice now much louder than before.

"Ok" George mumbled turning to face the wall as Carter walked out.

sorry about the wait. creds to another writer for writing this for me i haven't been doing me best <3

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