chapter 6

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"george? is that you? what happened," dream sat up worried.

"can you come get me please." george's voice cracked into the speaker.

"huh? where are you," dream asked rubbing his eyes.

"i-i don't know i'm sorry," george cried.

"no it's okay what are your surroundings?"

"b-blue coffee shop?" george mumbled looking around the corner.

"anything else?"

"a maverick gas station." george sniffled.

"okay i'll be there soon hang tight ok?"

"o-ok" george whispered as dream hung up the phone tripping over clothes shuffling around for a pair of shoes.

he grabbed a random pair continuing to trip over clothes trying to get out of his room. he grabbed his keys off the counter and walked out of the door, not bothering to lock it after shutting it.

he backed out of the blank parking lot, speeding down town to george's location. swerving around cars, he reached a sign indicating the maverick was near.

he pulled up by the blue coffee shop and looked around, soon spotting george.

george obviously didn't see him so he stepped out of his car and walked towards george.

he spotted dreams tall figure in the distance.

dream walked up to george. "hey what happened are you okay?" dream asked with a worried expression. he lifted up george's chin and turned his face revealing a dark bruise around george's dark, brown eye.

he grabbed ahold of george's hand and slowly walked to the car, occasionally looking back to make sure george was okay.

when they arrived to the car, george slumped in the seat and dug his head into his shaking hands, soon feeling the tears fall.

dream put a hand on george's shoulder to show comfort to the small boy as he drove down the damp streets from the rain that started to fall.

dream locked his car doors after stepping out, and george shortly following behind. he opened the heavy door revealing darkness.

he shuffled around trying to find the light switch, eventually flipping it on. george stood there, puffy cheeks from the tears that were still falling. he looked so careless and empty.

"you can come sit down if you want," dream offered while taking a seat on the white couch. george nodded and sat a little distanced from dream.

"i understand if you don't wanna talk about it, but i really need to know what's going on because i know something isn't right," dream said breaking the silence.

george looked up facing dream. "i'm sorry." he replied. "george it's okay i'm happy to help, and i really wanna help more you just have to tell me what's going on," dream said scooting towards george.

"i ran." george mumbled.


Adrian pulled george into the house, immediately grabbing his wrists and pushing him down, starting to hit george relentlessly. "p-please stop," george cried. it was useless. adrian was mad. there was no way he was gonna stop. minutes passed and adrian threw one last hit and left george. he sat there in shock. every movement was pain, but he couldn't stay there. he got up to his feet and grabbed his jacket, searching the pockets. he pulled out the yellow sticky note revealing dreams number. he ran out of the house. he ran as far as he could until he was light headed.

"why?" dream asked calmly. "i-i can't tell you." george said. "i promise you can talk to me. i'm here to listen ok?" dream smiled.

"tired." george rubbed his eyes.

"you can just sleep in my bed. my rooms a fucking mess i'm sorry." dream mumbled helping george off the couch and guided him to his room.

what had dream gotten himself into?

yellow sticky note//dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now