chapter 14

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guys wtf i've never read "heart sang" or whatever and you guys are harassing me for it so we're changing the name adrian. please give me some suggestions.

short chapter i apologize 😩

dream exhaled as george continued to read the lable.

"you didn't tell me you needed these.?" george said, placing bottle on the counter.

george noticed the blondes puffy face, he wiped the excess tears away from dreams face with his thumb.

"what happened?" the brunette asked as he continued to wipe the tears away.

"i don't know." dream stuttered with a raspy voice.

"it's okay." george rapped his arms around the taller boy.

dream dug his head into george's neck, as the tears flooded out, damping george's hoodie.

they were on the cold tile floor, sharing tears and weeps as the sun went down, stopping the glare from the window.

soon, the sounds stopped and they slowly pulled away.

they realized what position they were in, on the bathroom floor, puffy faces.

dream couldn't hold his laughs in as he realized what happened.

george began giggling too, considering dreams laugh and smile were contagious.

dream sat up, giving george a hand.

the blonde pulled the boy out of the room into the bright kitchen.

"dream what are you doing?" george giggled as dream pulled out a few bottles of alcohol from the lower cupboards.

"we're leaving," dream giggled.


"no, just tonight." dream smiled while placing everything in a bag and grabbing george's hand, pulling him out the door.

they sat in the cold car as the street lamps glared through the tinted windows.

he started up the engine and grabbed a bottle, popping off the cap and drinking a small portion. as he pulled the bottle away wincing, george grabbed the bottle and swallowed atleast a quarter of the bottle, then pulling it down.

"bold." dream whispered as he pulled out of the parking lot, heading for the interstate.

george blasted the radio drowning in the alcohol in his hand.

"cause i'm already high enough." dream sang as he sat back into the leather seats staring into the never ending darkness.

george began to finish off the first bottle before dream took it from his lips,

"share pretty boy" dream slurred.

george froze in place at the sudden name, as his face turned pink.

dream chugged the rest of the bottle.

it was bitter, but it came as comfort for the blonde.

he stopped at a close gas station on the nearest exit. he parked in the empty lot.

dream stopped the car in jerking motion.

the brunette turned to dreams green eyes, staring into the color.

dream turned to the boy aswell, drowning in the sight.

"fuck it" he muttered under his breath.

he unbuckled his seat belt and smashed forward into george's soft lips, melting in the feeling.

yellow sticky note//dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now