chapter 21

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"please stay"

"george, I'll stay I promise. and i'll never hurt you like he did,"

"he didn't hurt me. he loved me," george said.

"no, george he hurt you,"

"i deserved it though"

"what did you do to deserve it then?"

"I ate when i wasn't supposed to"

hearing the things george went through as he listed off many other reasons made dream feel horrible.

"george those aren't any bad things, it's okay to eat, and do things you want,"

"no you don't understand. carter loved me and i left him. it was your fault that i left him and i loved him. you made me leave him, it was your fault wasn't it?" george said in a rude tone, sitting up off of dream.

dream felt completely crushed at george's last sentence, as his heart sank.


fuck fuck i messed up, george's mind trailed through every last regret about what he said.

"uh yea i'll be right back," dreams voice cracked in the middle off his sentence as his breaths became shaky.

george stepped off of him, as he watched the blonde slope himself out the door.

dream didn't know what the fuck he was doing. his mind was empty as he walked out the doorway of his room.

why was he taking this so seriously? why was there tears?

then it hit him.

"it's all your fault your dad left!"

"you little piece of shit everything is your fault,"

dream could feel the words stabbing him in the chest as every tear fell to the floor.

his hands began to shake as his head pounded.

he stopped in his tracks, attempting to breathe but nothing helped the hyperventilating.

he began to feel trapped as the walls began to shut him in to the tiny thing he was.



echoed through his head as he closed his eyes in a sudden grasp.

he could feel things moving in slow motion, but it was too fast.

all he could do was catch his breath.

"you piece of shit, cant do anything right. you always ruin things"

"in and out dream. breathe." george whispered, holding the blonde in his arms.

dream felt panicked, like he was suddenly a kid in the moment again.

reliving everything.

"please breathe dream it's okay just calm down," george said, feeling dream shudder down his body.

"i'm right here, i'm not going anywhere." george attempted to calm the younger down.

he could feel dreams body release tension, as he fell more into the grasp.

he soon got his breath back, still shaky from the sudden panic.

"i'm so so sorry," george whispered into dreams chest as he unwrapped his arms.

dream looked down at his hands, which were trembling uncontrollably.

george grabbed his hands, and led him back to the cold room weakly.

as george got dream to sit down, he felt his stomach flip again.

he covered his mouth with his hands, realizing it was too late.

george had thrown up all over his hands, as it dripped down his shirt to the floor.

dream watched it all happen in disbelief, attempting to hold back throwing up aswell.

"shit," george muttered, looking down on himself.

"it's okay," dream giggled.

the blonde got up on his face, and made his way to the bathroom, guiding george to follow.

dream flicked on the sink for george to clean off his hands.

as the brunette washed up, he grabbed a hoodie for him to change into, hands still shaking making it a bit hard.

the boy walked over to dream who was in the closet trying to grab a hoodie off the hanger.

he noticed dreams struggle, and helped him grab it down making the blonde smile.

dream grabbed an old blue towel from the bottom cupboard of the bathroom, and guided his way to clean it off the floor.

george pulled the dirtied shirt over his head, that held his hair that hadn't been showered in weeks.

he slipped the new hoodie on, fixing it in the mirror.

his pants were nasty as well, he thought as he slipped them off, adjusting his hoodie to cover his lower half.

dream wiped off the last bit, throwing the now dirty towel away.

the blonde rolled over into the bed, as he ran his shaky fingers down his puffy face.

george could hear the rain smack the window roughly from the bathroom.

rain has always been his favorite.

it cleared his mind and his worries, it felt like it was washing it all away.

george walked out of the bathroom slowly.

he made his to the other side of the bed, dragging his feet along the carpet.

dream watched as the boy laid on the other side sadly.

he sat up, observing the balled up boy.

"come here," dream said in a low whiny voice.

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