chapter 13

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before i start, I DIDNT WANT A NUTTY PIZZA

dream sat looking at the phone in shock.

his hand unlocked the phone and scrolled up through the recent messages.

the blondes heart ached, knowing george was still attached to that piece of shit. he wished he could do something to get adrian out of his life, but really, it wasn't that easy.

"should i delete the contact?" dream thought to himself. he leaned back onto his heals, biting the dead skin off his lips, hard enough to bleed.

he touched his finger to his lip, revealing red stained color.

dream wiped it off and looked down at the contact.

shaking, he blocked it slowly as his fingers edged towards the delete contact. dreams finger hovered over the button, clicking as no thoughts rushed his head. maybe this was good for george, that was all he wanted.

dream put down the phone on the night stand.

he ran his fingers through george's chocolate brown hair. he still had a pulse, dream wasn't worried too much about it guessing he just blacked out from stress. but was it stress?

dream dragged his feet to the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the shelf of the marble counters.

he watched as the water trickled down the cup, filling it halfway. walking was a chore to the blonde.

if he could sleep all day he could, but he can't anymore. he had someone to look after. he knows george needs help.

dream set down the water on the night stand for george.

he ran his fingers down his face, and sighed while laying on the other side of the bed, staring at the plain white ceiling.

the silence hurt.

it reminded him of laying in his bed as a child.

"go to your room clay." his mother yelled sternly.

he ran his fingers along the old wallpaper of the house.

the hallway was long and narrow until his room.

he could hear his little sister balling from her room. she was just a baby.

dream peeked in the room and made his way to his sisters mattress.

she didn't have a crib, their parents were in extreme dept.

he laid next to his 2 year old sister who was still crying.

he held her in his arms as he stared at the white ceiling.

his parents yelling was muffled, but he could feel it like he was in the same room. it was always like this, it wasn't much of a change.

his father told him it was normal that parents get into fights.

his thoughts stopped as he heard a bang from the kitchen, and then silence.

it was all silence as he stared, tears rolling down his face.

dream snapped out of the sudden flashback, sitting up and getting up from the bed rubbing his eyes.

he could feel the tears on his fists from wiping them, making his way to the bathroom.

he flashed the light on and starred at his reflection.

his eyes were pink and puffy from tears that were still streaming down his face.

the blonde grabbed the pill bottle from the counter and popped one in his mouth, kneeling down to the water of the sink.

"dream.?" echoed through his ears as he turned to the small brunette that was almost tripping over his feet.

dream quickly stopped the water and wiped his face off.

"oh you're up." dream said as george stood in the doorway.

the boy scanned the bathroom counter, as his eyes landed on the tipped over bottle and the lid in dreams hand.

"what did you take?" george asked walking closer to dream.

"oh um something for my headache." dream stuttered up hoping george would leave.

george grabbed the bottle off the counter.

dream bit down on his lip, making it bleed once again.

"this isn't for headaches,"

"dream these are mood stabilizers."

yellow sticky note//dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now