Chapter 48

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I cleared my throat and waved awkwardly at everyone. There where a few chuckles, some waved back and some just glared before returning to there food and conversations.

"Ok... well let's go eat." I whispered to Seth and Tyler, who I had no doubt where glaring right back at anyone who starred too long.

There was a long table to that spanned the length of the three walls to our left, right and across from us. There was an enormous variety of food available. They had breakfast, lunch and supper all prepped and ready to go into the mouths of hungry ex science experiments. They even had full meals for vegetarians and vegans.

We grabbed trays, plates and utensils from a stand next to the door. We shuffled our way around the room, picking up what ever foods struck our fancy. To my surprise, Tyler seemed to be vegetarian as he only picked eggs, fruits and vegetables. Seth on the other had, staked his plate high with meat. I had chosen to eat two pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, a banana, some strawberries, blueberries and a glass of orange juice.

I turned towards the crowded room once again, scanning for an empty spot. A hand suddenly shot up amoungst the masses, waving frantically at us. I glanced at Tyler and Seth to make sure they where ready to go sit before making my way through the tables, twisting and turning to avoid bumping into anyone. We finally reached the area where the hand was and found Oliver sitting there, munching on a muffin and a bowl of cereals.

"Sit, sit. There not much space left so you may have to squeeze in together." He said.

We sat down, the two boys on either side of me like they seemed to like doing so much. We chatted with Oliver about random things we had missed over the years we where captive until we all finished eating. By then, the cafeteria was mostly empty.

"Come on, I want to show you guys the main monitors and how they work. That way if you get placed on watch duty you will know a little bit what your doing. I have yet to decide exactly what I want to do with you guys, but we are working on it." Oliver explained.

We walked out into the main area and over to the space reserved for the monitors, but something was wrong. There where screens flashing red, people running from one end of then room to the other, shouting at each other like headless chickens. Oliver grabbed one of the people as they where running by us.

"What's going on Riley?" He questioned the panic stricken girl.

"Boss! Thank God your here! It dissapeared! We don't know what happened!" She shouted, her hands fluttering around wildly.

"Take a breath and explain to me, what dissapeared?" Oliver pressed.

"The lab! The fucking thing vanished!" She practically screamed.

"What?! When?! Why did no one come to get me?!" He shouted back, shaking the poor girl slightly.

"Just now Boss! I was just about to go looking for you." She answered.

"And it's not a glitch? Did you reboot the system? Maybe someone moved our cameras somehow? Who was on duty this morning?" He shot out, speed walking towards the wall of computers.

"We did reboot it, nothing changed. I was the one on duty all morning and no one touched our cams, I even used spacial recognition on the monitors it's definitely the same plain the lab was in." She answered, following close behind Oliver.

"I know how seriously you take your job, if you tell me nobody touched our cams then I trust you." He answered.

He started scrutinizing the monitors, scratching his chin subconsciously. Other workers would run over with papers and charts for him to look over. After typing multiple commands into the computer and obtaining no result, he slammed his fist on the desk and turned towards everyone in the room.

"Geoffrey where are you?" He shouted.

"Over here Boss." Came a voice from the second floor, where a rather strong looking man leaned over the railing.

"Good. Assemble your team, we are heading out in twenty minutes." Oliver ordered.

"Yes Sir." The man answered before rushing away to do as he was told.

"You three will be staying here. Your welcome to watch the operation on the screens, just try to stay out of everyone's way. If all goes well we will be back in five hours. Hopefully they blew themselves up or something, I don't feel like tracking them down again." He ended by mumbling before walking away to the armory.

Fifteen minutes later, a group of seven people both men and woman where assembled in the main room, fully geared in camo suits and armed to the teeth. Soon enough Oliver joined them, just as equally decked out as the others.

"Ready?" Oliver asked Geoffrey.

"Ay, ay sir." Geoffrey answered.

"Good, Let's go."

They rushed up the stairs, people jumping out of their way as they passed. They made it up to the top floor faster then I could have ever thought possible and out of the underground base. Eight new monitors flickered to life on the wall, showing what each of the fighters where seeing as well as their vital stats. They uncovered eight very well camouflaged motorcycles and starting riding through the trees to their destination.

It was an uneventful hour and a half journey to the last known location of the lab. They spread out, guns drawn, to search the area for debris or any other sign of the huge building that had once stood there. Out of nowhere, Oliver's camera turned off and his heart rate flatlined.

"What the hell happened?! Geoffrey! Find him!" Riley shouted into the coms connecting her to the search team.

The members of the team carefully retreated back a short distance in order to reorganize themselves into a back to back circle, keeping eyes on everything around them. They started advancing towards where Oliver had last been seen, scanning around suspiciously. Geoffrey who was leading the formation suddenly dropped off cams just like Oliver, closely followed by all the other members of the team.

"Geoffrey? Geoffrey! Sidney?! Anyone?! Please answer me?!" Riley screamed into the coms, but got no answer.


It's a miracle guys! I had an idea! Inspiration struck me in the face! I think I finally know where I wish to go with this story and how it's gonna end. Hopefully I can update again soon. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and yes I am aware I messed up the names a few chapters back, I will fix it someday... maybe... 😓

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