Chapter 19

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The next morning, I woke up to a loud clattering sound and footsteps drifting away. I shot up, looking around frantically. My eyes finally landed on the source of the noise. A tray of food laying near the door, its contents half spilled across the floor. I sighed, rubbing my hands down my face. Once my heart had steadied once again, I stood and walked to the tray. There was an apple that had rolled halfway across the floor, a tipped over glass of water spilling it content in a puddle on the ground and a now decomposed sandwich. I quickly put the sandwich's contents back together and picked up the apple, giving up on the water. I ate slowly. Until more footsteps echoed down the hall. Kyle soon appeared at the door, followed by a young guard with a gentle face. He carried a gun but held it pointed towards the ground.

"What happened to your water?" Kyle asked.

"Ask the guy who passes out the food." I answered.

"Send someone to get him another one. It's important that he stay hydrated." Kyle instructed he guard.

The guard immediately took his radio and relayed the demands to his colleagues. Kyle opened the door for me while we waited. I stood, crossing the cell in a few quick strides.

"How are you feeling today?" Kyle questioned.

"As fine as I can be given the situation." I answered.

"No coughing, stuffy nose or pain?"

"Um, no... why? Should there be any?"

He ignored my question, jotting down notes on his notepad. Soon enough, the sound of a second guard approaching reached my ears. He handed a fresh glass of water to the first guard before beating a hasty retreat. He handed me the glass which I downed quickly.

"Sammy, this is Blake. Blake, this is Sammy, my baby brother." Kyle said, pointing to each one of us in turn.

"Nice to meet you." The soldier said, holding out his hand.

I shook it quickly. I froze when his sleeve rode up slightly on his arm. Kyle gasped beside me, grabbing his brothers' hand. He pushed back the sleeve of his shirt to get a better view of the light metal band.

"Sammy... what is that?" He questioned in a stressed voice.

"Oh, that's just the new identification card the institute is using. Instead of having a key card you might lose, we have these bracelets that unlock all the doors you have clearance to pass. It takes a special authorization to take them off so there is less risk of losing them of getting them stolen. I thought you already knew. Don't you have one too?" Sammy explained.

"No, I don't have one and I was not aware... what else does it do?"

"Um, it monitors the bodies basic functions, but that pretty much it."

Kyle cleared his throat, returning his gaze to me.

"Anyways, your bound for the lab again. Today they will start testing now that they have collected some data from analysing the samples they took yesterday." Kyle said dryly.

"What kind of test?" I asked, wary of what was to come.

"Well, there will be some physical tests for starters... the rest, I don't know."

There was a moment of silence before Kyle's brother spoke up.

"Shall we get going?"

"Yeah, we better before the guard over there develops an itchy trigger finger and fries your brain again." Kyle answered.

I raised a brow at that but kept my mouth shut. I stepped out into the hall and started down the hall. Kyle and his brother trailed right behind me until we got to the huge metal doors of the lab. I was grateful I had been allowed to walk here unassisted today, thus being able to take in the layout of the building that I could see. Kyle opened the door for me. I was greeted with the same busy sight as yesterday. I walked in and over to the isolated room in the center. I was not strapped onto the table this but rather allowed to prowl around the restricted area. The door was shut, Sammy standing guard outside but other then that, no other safety measure was taken. Although they probably all held a remote to the thing on my head.

I walked in circle until I spotted Kyle speaking with a man in a tux surrounded by armed soldiers at the far end of the room. They looked like they where having a heated discussion in hushed voices, as no one else minded the argument. Kyle was making fast hand gestures while the man in the tux seemed calm as a cucumber, that is until he shoved a folder into Kyle's chest, turned around and exited the room.

Kyle seemed stunned for a while, starring after the man long after he had gone. Sammy glanced at me before walking over to his brother. He put his hand on Kyle's shoulder, startling him out of the trans he was in. They exchanged a few words, hugged and then came back towards me. I stopped passing then, watching them getting closer and closer. Kyle seamed stressed and nervous if not a little scared. Sammy resumed his post outside the door. Kyle pushed the door to my cell open and paused mid-step. He looked back at his brother with a mix of sadness and worry before entering fully. He shut the door behind himself, taking a deep breath while running a hand through his hair.

I waited patiently as he tried to calm himself. He held out the folder to me in shaking hands. I took it, looking at him uncertainly to which he gave me a hand gesture indicating I should open it. I did. There was a picture of me on the first page as well as all my personal information. I flipped through the pages quickly and found documents on both Seth and Tyler as well as what had been done to me while I was frozen back then. My jaw dropped and I glanced up at Kyle. He was fidgeting with his fingers and avoiding eye contact.

"What is this? What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm the new head scientist assigned to your case. I will be in charge of overseeing all the operations performed on you and making sure they progress smoothly." He answered.

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