Chapter 18

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I picked myself up off the ground and sighed. I walked further into the room. It was a rectangular room with five shower heads sticking out from the far wall. There was a single bench along the wall next to me and two bars of soap on it as well as a towel. I pulled off my boxers and placed them on the bench. I grabbed one of the soaps and walked over to the closest shower head. I turned on the water, staying out of the spray of water. I waited a bit for it to warm up but the water stayed ice cold. I was gonna run out of time if I waited much longer so I stepped into the stream, gritting my teeth against the cold.

I quickly washed my body and my hair as best as I could with no shampoo then rinsed off. I turned off the water, walking to the bench to get the towel. Just as I picked it up, the door slammed open.

"Times up bitch!" The soldier shouted.

He grabbed me by my upper arm and started dragging my naked ass out of the room. I barely had the time to grab my underwear and get them on as I stumbled after the man. I was roughly shoved out of the room and into the hall where Kyle was waiting. He reached out to steady me as I almost crashed to the ground.

"You are soaking wet! Why didn't you dry off? I put a towel in there for you, didn't you see it?" He asked.

"Mister grumpy ass over there didn't give me the time." I answered.

He sighed and opened his mouth to protest but the soldier simply ignored him and pushed me forward down the hall. Kyle ran to catch up but stayed silent as we walked. His eyebrows where furrowed and he seemed to be thinking hard about something.

"Where are we going now?" I questioned.

"Shut up!" The soldier yelled, shoving me again.

I growled under my breath and started plotting his death. We went up a flight a stairs, took two right and one left before coming up on a pair of metal double doors with a triple lock security system. Kyle swiped his ID card in a scanner, typed in a code then had his eyes scanned before the doors finally opened. I was pushed forward for the umpteenth time. There where scientists rushing about all over the room from counter to counter and machine to machine. I was forced deeper into the room to a square containment cell made of metal and glass walls. There was a metal table in its center with restraints on it and more machines around it.

"Get on the table." The soldier said, already holding the remote in his hands just waiting for me to fight back.

I begrudgingly did as he said and he proceeded to tie the restraints painfully tight on my wrists, my ankles and one across my chest. It was kinda hard to breath, but I refused to let him get the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. The soldier then made his way over to the door and stood guard just outside.

"I'm sorry about him." Kyle whispered.

He went over all of the restraints a second time, loosening them slightly so that they wouldn't dig into my skin anymore but where still secure.

"This is the max I can loosen them." He said.

"It's fine..." I answered.

He gave a small tight-lipped smile before exiting the glass cubicle and closing the door behind himself. There did not seem to be any kind of locking mechanism on the door. Despite all the hustle and bustle outside, I could not hear a single sound of it. My broken wing lay limply off the side of the table as the other was slightly smooched under my body, making the table that much more uncomfortable.

A few minutes of silence later, the door opened once again, and three men and one woman surrounded me. One of them forced a piece of leather in my mouth as the others gathered around my extended wing. At first, they poked and prodded it, then they started moving it around and collecting feather, saliva, skin, blood and hair samples. Finally, they snapped the broken bones back into place. I let out a muffled cry and bit down hard on the leather strap, digging my nails into my palms and pulling against the restraints. They folded my wing as it should be and tied it up to keep it from moving.

The leather was yanked out from between my teeth and the scientists left the room, leaving me in silence again. I then noticed everyone that had been milling about outside had stopped what they where doing to watch what was happening. They slowly dispersed again, the four that had been inside mixing into the crowd. I saw them look at my feathers under a microscope, compare them to other feathers and perform multiple other tests on them that I did not know the use of.

I spent the rest of the day on the damn uncomfortable table with scientists buzzing around me, poking and sampling everything they could. It was starting to really piss me off like it would anybody else. I pulled at the restraints every once in a while, but they would not come lose. After what felt like days of endless probing, Kyle finally came back with the soldier entering in tow.

Kyle removed the straps holding me and I jumped off the table. I rubbed my wrists, walking towards the door. The soldier felt the need to push me out of it anyway. We made it to the metal doors again and Kyle unlocked it again. I was escorted... or more like shoved back to my cell and locked in, the soldier stomping away quickly.

"Is this gonna become a daily thing?" I asked.

"Um... yes." Kyle answered.

"What's your guard rotation like?..." I said sarcastically.

"I'm not allowed to talk about that kind of thing, but it will be someone else tomorrow." He informed.

"Yeah... fine." I sighed.

Kyle left and soon after, a tray of food was dropped into my cell. I ate it quickly and layed down on the bed. The lights went out sometime later and I drifted of into a dreamless sleep.

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