Chapter 13

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Tyler's POV.

We sprinted through the underbrush, spreading our awareness through the trees looking for any sign of life around. I could feel all the animals scattering at our not so subtle approach. I kept in constant contact with Seth through our mind link as we search as for Grey, he was gonna howl if he found anything.

We searched all day, not taking a single break but with no result whatsoever. It was as if Blake had simply vanished into thin air with not the slightest scent left behind, which was extremely abnormal since we should be able to smell our mate from miles away.

The sun was setting when Grey suddenly howled. I ran towards his at full speed, eager to know what he had found. I crashed through the branches and ran straight into Grey, sending us both to the ground.

"Oh shit, you ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah fine. What did you find?" I questioned.

We got up and Seth arrived just a few seconds later.

"What did you find?" Seth asked.

"Right there, there's some blood." Grey answered.

Seth bent down to get a closer look before confirming it belonged to Blake.

"He must have bled threw one of his bandages. Though it's just a single spot of blood which means whoever took him must have noticed and changed the bandage here." Grey explained.

"At least we know we are on the right track." I sighed.

"Yeah. We should stop here for today." Grey added.

"What! No way! We have to find him right now." I exclaimed.

"Look, I know he is your mate and I know how precious our mates our to us, but you won't be of any help to him if your too exhausted to fight. Don't make the same mistakes I made." Grey explained.

I wanted to protest and disagree but the sad and desperate look in his eyes stopped me. I didn't know what happened while I was trapped for all those years but obviously I had missed a lot.

"Your not really considering doing what he said are you?" Seth asked me.

"He's right... we will just make it worse if we're too weak to fight and using our powers continuously like today is pretty exhausting..." I said.

Seth stared at me incredulously, but he seemed to slowly resign himself to the fact that we where right.

"Ok... fine, but we are resuming the search as soon as the sun starts to rise tomorrow morning." Seth agreed.

"Of course." Grey and I answered.

We settled down for the night, Grey managing to hunt a few rabbits that Seth quickly cooked with his flame for us too eat since we could not risk making an actual fire. We took and hour after eating to come up with a plan to search for our mate and get him back before finally going to bed.

I lay down with Seth wrapping his arms around me for warmth until I noticed that Grey didn't seem like he was planning to sleep.

"Grey? What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm keeping watch. Someone has to do it and since you two will be the ones doing most of the fighting for your mate, it's only natural that I be the one to keep watch at night." He explained.

The was a moment of silence before I finally agreed with his solution. I wished him a good night and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning as the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Seth was no longer next to me but passing back and forth a few feet away. Grey walked up to me almost as soon as I sat up.

"Here, Seth is anxious to get going again as you can tell. He has been walking a hole in the ground over ther for the last hour but refused to wake you up, said you looked exhausted." He explained, handing me some more cooked rabbit meat.

I ate quickly and we where right back on the hunt. We resumed our earlier search pattern, spreading out to cover more ground. We agreed to meet back up around noon to make sure everything was going well with everyone since we did not know how many of the soldiers may have circled back.

There was no other sign of Blake until the sun was directly above our heads and it was time to regroup. I mindle where Grey was looking. We arrived almost at the same time but Grey was no where to be found.

"God damnit! We don't have time to look for him!" Seth shouted.

We waited a little longer to see if he would show up but he was not within my field of perception even with my powers.

"He was probably in on it." Seth growled.

"In on what?" I asked.

"Blake's kidnapping. He is the one who gave us the all clear ag the cave yet there was still one soldier left. There is no way his presence would have escape that guys werewolf sences!" He yelled.

"What? No, no way! He would never do that!" I protested.

"We don't know that! We have been trapped underground for so long and then another 200 years in that military facility... who knows what happened while we were gone, or how people have changed, how Grey has changed..."

"No. Grey is a good guy. Something must have happened."

"We have to keep going. Keep looking for Blake. I'm sure Grey's fine."

Just then, the slightest hint of a presence appeared at the edge of my consciousness. I tried to concentrate on it and find out who it was but it was like trying to catch a cloud. Every time I thought I had a lock on it, it would slip away only to reappear somewhere else getting gradually closer.

"What is that?" Seth asked, obviously having picked up on the same thing as me.

"I don't know, I can't get a read on it." I answered.

"Me neither..." He confirmed.

"We should move." I said.

Seth nodded but just as we started running, he froze and crumpled to the ground. I slide to a halt and dropped down next to him, turning him onto his back. His eyes were still open and moving around but he wasn't talking or moving.

"Seth? Are you ok? What going on?" I asked.

His eyes locked in on something behind me and I realized I had dropped my sense perception in my panic. I cursed under my breath and reached out again only to find the strange presence was directly behind me. There was a click and then a pinprick sensation in the back of my neck and my hole body went numb, causing me to drop forward over Seth.

"Can't have you catching up to me now boys. He is the only one I need." A voice said.

There was a loud bang and Seth jerked under me before another bang echoed in the forest and pain ripped through my skull, the world going dark.

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