Chapter 46

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"After you." Oliver said, motioning towards the stairs.

We started down the dark steps as Oliver pulled the heavy door shut behind us. As soon as it was closed, lights flickered on above our heads. The stairs traveled down a ways before turning a corner.

"Oh, and don't worry, we already have some men tracking your little group of friends. They will be escorted here in no time." Oliver stated from behind us.

I faltered in my step for a second, before resuming on my way. I guess I should have seen this coming. If they really did know everything about the research facility then they would know about a mass escape of prisoners. I would have rather not bring them into this in case it was a trap, but there was nothing I could do now that they already knew about them.

We made it to the bottom of the stairs where there was another solid metal door with a camera positioned to record whoever aproached. Oliver squeezed between us to reach it. He typed in a code, scanned his hand and swiped a key card before the door finally unlocked. He pulled it open and walked in.

We followed him in. We emerged into a huge room, multiple stories down below us. We where standing on a metal walkway that circled the perimeter of the room with doors all arround.

"Starting from up here on this floor and the second floor are the warriors rooms. The third floor is the weapons storage and repair. Floor four through six are the workers rooms. Seventh floor is half training grounds and half research center. Floor eight is the cafeteria, infirmary and storage. Finally, the ninth floor is where the magic hapens, it's the brains of the hole base, the comand center and the ground floor. There are three other floors below it which contain the gym, the pool and the jail." Oliver named as we walked down the stairs that conected each level.

The lowest floor had a huge electrical interactive table that displayed a 3D map of the forest. There where multiple red dots all over it that moved every once in a while. There was a wall of screens displaying different views of the forest including a few of the research facility we had escaped from. There was a bulletin board covered in images, journal articles and red sting conecting them together.

"This is the latest Intel we have gathered on the organization that kidnapped you. We do have some questions concerning your past Seth and Tyler, but we can address those later once you've settled in." Oliver stated.

"Speaking of which, let me show you to your rooms." He added.

He lead us back up to the sixth floor, stopping in front of a door six away from the stairs. He opens three adjencent doors, displaying small rooms with a twin side bed in each and a toilet and sink next to it.

"These are your rooms. They are not much, but you will be spending most of your time elsewhere in the facility anyway. We figured you would prefer to be near one another given the hole thing you seem to have going on between you three." Oliver said.

"We want to be in the same room." Seth stated.

"Sorry, we don't have any rooms bigger then this. Your welcome to try and fit all three of you in one room, but... well good luck. I'll leave you to it then." Oliver answered before walking away and back down the stairs.

I turned to look at Tyler and Seth, who where both already looking at me.

"Which room do you want?" Tyler asked me.

"Ummm... there all the same, but I guess all take the one on the right." I answered.

They nodded and both walked into the room I had chosen. I starred at them for a few seconds before breaking the silence that had settled over us.

"What are you guys doing?" I questioned.

"We are settling in like that guy said." Seth answered.

"Yeah you can go settle into your own rooms. Not in mine." I said.

"It's not safe here, we need to be together at all times. Plus we want to be with you, we barely got any time alone with our new mate since we found you." Tyler protested.

"There is no space for three people in the same room. There is barely enough room for the twin sized bed and toilet in there, even less three people. We will be one door away from one another, we will be fine." I tried to reason with them.

"But what if they try to take you away or hurt you?" Seth asked.

"I'll scream and you can come running to my rescue. You will literally be two steps away." I answered.

"But..." Tyler started.

"No buts. Go to your own rooms, it will be fine. I will call you if even the slightest thing pops up." I promised.

"Ok, but on one condition." Seth finally agreed.

"What?" I asked.

"You stay in the middle room so that we can protect you better and you come get us as soon as you leave your room." He stated.

"Not that I was planning to go anywhere without you two in the first place, I'm not completely stupid. I don't trust them much more then you do. But fine, I will take the room in the middle." I relented.

They both followed me back to my room, they stormed in and started looking under every surface, turning the bed upside-down and searching through the blankets. They lifted the toilet seat to look underneath it. Pulled the pillow case off and unzipped the pillow. They scrutinized every inch of the room before Seth fisted and hand and went for the small mirror on the wall.

"Woah! Stop! What are you doing?" I shouted from the doorway.

"We are making sure the room is safe." Seth stated like it was nothing.

"Yes ok, but what has the mirror ever done to you?" I asked.

"At the other place they used them to watch us." He growled.

"Ok, but look. This one is safe." I walked over to him and touched the mirror with my finger.

"So what?" He responded.

"A two way mirrors like they used at the facility will not have a space between your finger and the reflection, only normal mirrors do." I explained.

He leened in to have a closer look at my finger before glancing back to me. He sighed and straightened himself up.

"Alright, I trust you." Both he and Tyler walked back out of the room, but stopped and stayed standing right outside.

I stood in the center of the cramped space and spun on myslef. I could almost touch both walls with my arms outstreched with how small it was. I sighed, looking at Seth and Tyler who where still standing there.

"I'm kinda tired so I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I told the two boys.

"Ok... we will be right next door if you need anything." Tyler said.

They then proceeded to kiss me on the cheeks before kissing each other tenderly. My heart skipped a beat at the sight and I felt my cheeks flush red. They both smiled at me before going their own ways to their rooms. I shut the door slowly, still flustered by the show I just had and collapsed onto my bed. A few minutes later, just as my heart beat was returning to normal, the lights turned off leaving only a very faint glow in the room. I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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