Chapter 15

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Grey's pov

I ran back to the cave as fast as I could, fearing Tyler might be gone as well. I splashed into the river and burst through the waterfall. I looked around frantically, sighing when I found Tyler exactly where he had been when I left.

I ran over to him, sliding on my knees next to him. He was just starting to wake up so I quickly untied my pants from around him and tossed them aside. His eyes opened and he looked around frantically.

"Shhh, it's alright, we are safe... for now." I said.

"What happened? Where are we?" She asked.

"It's ok, we're in our cave, our special place. They won't find us here." I answered.

"What?" She questioned.

I grabbed her face gently in both my hands, looking into her eyes tenderly. I moved closer, releaved that she was ok and kissed her on the lips. I was shoved back suddenly, reality crashing down on me.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" Tyler yelled at me.

I gasped at scrambled away from him. Tears sprung to my eyes as I was forced back to the present time and noticed what I had just done.

"I... I'm so s... sorry! You smelled j... just like her a... and it brought me back to the time she was still here... I'm sorry." I stuttered.

"How is that even possible?" He asked.

"It's the blanket... it used to be hers."

"... ok, just don't do it again."

He shook the blanket off of himself and sat up. He leaned against the wall, staring at me intently.

"Why am I handcuffed?" He questioned.

"The man who shot you put them on you. I couldn't take them off you because they are made of silver." I explained.

"Oh." He said, then started trying to get free of the metal device.

"I... I can't get them off. Their blocking my powers." He exclaimed.

"What?! How?!" I said.

"I don't know! Nothing has ever been able to block my powers before!" He was starting to panic when he froze suddenly.

"Grey... where is Seth?" He asked.

I felt the blood drain from my face as Tyler's stare turned into a glare.

"I uh... fuck! I'm sorry! I lost him! I could only carry one of you at a time so I brought you here first and when I went back after making sure you where safe, he wasn't there anymore. I don't know what happened to him!" I explained.

"You... What!? You left him there all alone, in the middle of the forest while he was injured and unconscious?!"

"I wasn't gone long! I went right back once I had gotten you here!"

"You know we both heal very fast! You could have just stayed there with both of us and we would have woken up soon enough!"

"I was scared that guy would come back!"

"Speaking of that... where were you when we got attacked? We were supposed to meet up, so what happened?"

"While I was looking for any trace of your other mate, I felt a presence near me but it was flickering in and out and I couldn't quite pinpoint where it was coming from. Then I got jumped by some guy with daggers wearing a camo suit. We faught for a while until I heard the gunshots and he just took off. By the time I reached you guys I barely caught a glimpse of someone running away and then I found you two."

"Help me up." He said after a beat of silence.

I walked over and took hold of his arm to pull him to his feet.

"Where are my pants?" He asked.

"There right there. They got wet when I brought you in here so I was drying them." I answered.

"There just gonna get wet again when we leave..."

"I know, I just didn't know how long it would take you to recover."

I helped him put his now almost dry pants before pulling my own on. He started walking towards the waterfall, but I stopped him.

"Where are you going? You just woke up."

"I'm fine. I'm going to look for my mates."

"But you can't even use your powers. We should try to find a way to take the cuffs off you first."

"We don't have time! The longer we wait the further away they get. Plus I can take care of myself just fine, powers or no powers."

With that, he ran out of the cave, leaving me standing there dumly. I snapped out of it and quickly ran after him, finding him waiting for me on the river bank.

"Hurry up! We have to find them!" He shouted.

I rushed out of the water and we immediately set off into the forest back to where we had last seen Seth. I was on edge the hole time, my claws out and my canines extended. I knew that if we got attacked again I would have to protect both myself and Tyler.

When we reached the scene of the insidant, there was a small pool of dried blood where they had been shot and the faintest sent of someone else having been here that I had failed to notice earlier. The scent led off towards the East and was intermingled with Seth's equally faint smell.

"Whoever took Seth went that way." I told Tyler.

"You can smell him?" He asked.

"Yes but it's faint and I can't smell the person who attacked you." I answered.

"Ok... at least we have somewhere to start. Lead the way."

We started walking through the trees again, turning and winding in circles for a while as whoever had taken Seth had been smart and had not walked a straight path. We where eventually led to a clearing through which ran the river, downstream from the waterfall.

"Shit." I cursed.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"They crossed. I won't be able to find their smell again on the other side." I explained.

"Fuck!... Maybe they didn't think to erase Seth scent in the water. We should cross and try anyway." Tyler said.

I nodded and we crossed the river quickly. Once on the other side, I sniffed up and down the bank of the river in the clearing but came up completely empty. We had lost our only lead to finding Tyler's mates.

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