Chapter 36

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Seth's pov

We had been searching the forest for three days straight by now. We where turning over every stone for even the slightest hint of where Black had been taken. We had covered a lot of ground, flying occasionally,  running long distances every day while always staying within earshot of Grey who could not fly, but had yet to find anything.

"We need to try something else. This clearly isn't going anywhere." I sighed.

"I know, I just... This is the last place we saw him. What if he escapes and comes back and we're not here...?" Tyler answers.

"I'll stay. You two go do what you have to do to get your mate back. I'll keep looking in the forest and if I find anything I'll let you know." Grey offered.

"How? We have no means of communication." I countered.

"Just circle back every, let's say, two days. That way we can widen our search area and still keep contact with one another." Grey explained.

"Ok, I guess we can try that. If we find anything we have to come back and tell the others before doing anything, just to stay safe. I don't want to lose another person dear to me." Tyler said.

"Let's do that then. I will cover the north-est, you cover the north-west." I decided.

Tyler nodded and Grey wished us good luck before we took off to go fly over the forest. Soon enough, Tyler was but a speck in the distance as we moved forward.

The two first days went by uneventfully. I circled back to Grey's new location as he continued progressing North through the forest on the ground, meaning that next time we spread out we could go further out.

We made a fire and ate a much needed meal as we got caught up with one another as well as talked about our plans for the next two days. Tyler was talking about making a sweep directly West to see if the forest came to an end somewhere as Blake was probably being held in a building of some sort. Grey was going to simply continue North and I  was going to continue North-est, for some reason I felt as though it was important for me to continue in that direction and that going Est would be useless.

We slept around the fire that night. All this flying was exhausting, but I would be damned if I gave up now just because I was a little uncomfortable. Blake could be suffering way worse than I was right now for all I knew. I was not going to stop until I had him back with me. We where not going to stop.

The next morning, I woke up as the sun just barely started peeking over the horizon. Grey and Tyler where both still sleeping, Tyler being cuddled up against my side. We had not encountered anyone or any animal bigger than a rabbit the entire time we had been searching, so we figured they would not send anymore soldiers after us and predators where smart enough to stay away from us. Thus making it safe for us all to sleep at the same time at night.

I carefully untangled myself from Tyler's embrace, standing up to stretch. I expanded my senses to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was happening. The birds where chirping happily, a slight breeze sneaking through the trees. I could smell the damp grass and the family of rabbits passing nearby.

My wings where slightly sore from flying for two days straight, but it was still manageable. I really wished we had mated with Blake before he was taken, it would make finding him a lot easier. We would be able to talk to one another with our link and feel what he was feeling so that we could know what was being done to him. The uncertainty was killing me. The only thing I could be sure of was that he was still alive. Was he being tortured? Was he on the verge of dying at this very moment? I wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong for Tyler. If I broke down now, it would kill him and I would lose him too.

Suddenly, Grey was standing in front of me, his face inches away from mine. I jerked away, stumbling and almost falling on my ass. He raised an eyebrow at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You ok? I thought you had died standing up for a second there." He asked in a hushed tone as to not wake Tyler up.

"Y... Yeah, I'm fine..." I answered, also keeping my voice low.

I had not noticed how long I had been standing there starring out into the forest until I realized that the sun had now fully risen over the horizon.

"I'll go get breakfast." Grey stated.

"Don't touch the bunny family." I said, remembering what I had detected earlier.

"I'm a rogue not a monster. I would never knowingly deprive babies of their mother." He growled back.

"Sorry, I was just trying to avoid accidents." I replied.

"Mmm." He shifted into his wolf and took off into the trees.

Tyler started to stir not long after. He stretched on the ground before sitting up.

"Morning." He yawned out.

"Morning to you too. How are your wings?" I asked.

"A little sore, but it's no big deal. You?"

"Same. Are you hungry?"

"A little. Where's Grey?"

"Gone to get breakfast. We should resume our search as soon as we finish eating."


We sunk into a comfortable silence until Grey finally returned carrying two dead male rabbits. I cooked the meat and we ate quickly. We took to the skies again in no time, splitting off to search for the next two days.

I flew as fast as I could to cover the most ground possible. In the middle of the night on the first day, when I was about to start turning back to go rendezvous with Grey and Tyler again, I spotted something glowing through the trees in the distance. I pushed myself to fly even faster so that I would still make it back on time the next day. I slowed down as I got close, flying closer to the top of the trees in an attempt to avoid detection.

Suddenly, I felt something trying to wiggle its way into my mind. I stopped advancing, throwing up mental walls to keep them out. Once I felt them retreat out of my head, I turned around and started flying back to Grey. What I had seen from afar was a fire and whoever had made the fire had powers just like us.

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