Chapter 9

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I woke up with a kick to the ribs, knocking the air out of me. I coughed, curling up on myself to try to prevent any further kicks. My hands were cuffed behind my back with a solid thick metal that offered no room for movement.

"Glad to see your still alive, I was starting to question the info I had been given. You know at first when I blew your brains out you stopped breathing. But then, after two days of me dragging around a corpse, your body expelled the bullets. Within two more days you had fully healed and started breathing again. You really are a monster aren't you?" He said.

"I've been out for four days...?" I asked.

"Yeah. Oh and don't even try to run, I'm the best shooter in the country. You won't make it five feet before I take you down again." He informed me.

"Where are you taking me? I thought you where working for the soldiers." I questioned.

"Oh I am. I'm taking you to an extraction point not too much further from here. I just had to make sure we weren't followed."

"One would think you would want them to follow. Aren't you guys trying to catch all of us?"

"Nah, I was ordered to prioritize your capture. The other two are just a bonus."

"What? Why?"

"They want their weapon back."

"I don't have any weapons."

"I know. You are the weapon. Now shut up that's enough questions."

I am the weapon? What the fuck does that mean? I looked around for the first time, we were in a tiny clearing barely large enough to hold a sleeping bag, a camp fire and a bag full of food and various weapons.

"It probably has something to do with us. Having two shifts is unusual, three is rare four is unheard of." Rex suddenly spoke up in my head.

"And where have you guys been recently? You where all so quiet I forgot you existed." I mentally asked.

"Oh... we were around, in your head. That plan of yours was really stupid by the way. What do you think is gonna happen now that you have been taken again?" He answered, changing the subject.

"Then why did you go along with it? I was caught unprepared, I panicked. If you knew it was such a bad plan why did you freeze the cave to stop Seth?"

"We where busy. We felt your panick but we didn't know what was going on, so when you thought that you had to protect our mates we just acted on instinct."

"Busy doing what? What could you possibly be doing in there that would take your complete attention away from what was going on?"

"Well... we knew the highlights of your memories when we first shifted but we didn't know the details. So we where going through your mind so that we could know you better."

"Wait... you know... everything?"


I didn't answer him after that. They had seen everything. What happened with my father, my mother... all the trauma and how broken I truly was inside...

"Great, you pissed him off. Congrats Rex." Shadow said.

"He just need a minute. It's a lot for him to handle and now it's out in the open." Ash added.

"Don't worry Blake, we won't tell anyone. We are a part of you now, we won't betray you." Dirk said.

I stayed quiet, pushing myself into a sitting position and leaning back against the tree behind me. The man was sitting on his sleeping bag, taking apart and cleaning one of his handguns. After putting it back together and shoving it into to holster on his thigh, he pulled a slim double edged dagger from his left sleeve and proceeded to sharpen it.

"We will be moving soon. We will reach the extraction point tomorrow by mid day." The man said.

"Can I shift like this?" I asked in my head.

"Not while your hands are in your back. You could try breaking the metal and then shifting once your free." Rex explained.

"Why don't we just mind link or mates?" Ash questioned.

"We can't,  we haven't mated or marked each other yet. Plus, there isn't much we could tell them other then we are alive since we don't know where we are." Dirk explained.

"Mated and marked?" I repeated but got no answer.

I glanced at the man who seemed completely absorbed in his weapons maintenance. I gave a tentative tug at the cuffs, nothing moved. I started pulling harder, trying not to make it too obvious that I was up to something. I peeked at him again but he was still sharpening.

I pulled as hard as I could, glaring down at my feet. It was painful but I didn't give up. I had to break out of these cuffs and escape. I could feel blood start trailing down my hands when there was a click and the barrel of a gun was pressed against the side of my head.

"Stop it, I won't hesitate to shoot you again now that I know it won't kill you. Anyway, these cuffs where made specifically for you so you won't be able to break them." He said.

I sighed and relaxed my arms, leaning my head back against the tree. He lowered his gun and started packing up his weapons and sleeping bag before putting out the fire by throwing a bunch of dirt on it. He strapped his sleeping bag onto his backpack, swinging it onto his back.

"Get up, we're leaving." He grabbed onto my arm and yanked me to my feet.

He kept a gun in his right hand while keeping a firm grip on me. He pushed me through the forest, taking multiple random turns and even crossing through a small river. We walked through the day, only stopping once to eat and drink where all I got was a piece of stale bread and a gulp of water.

By the time the sky turned dark we had reached another tiny, well hidden clearing where the man laid out his sleeping bag, ate something out of a cane and went to sleep, leaving me to sleep on the cold ground on an empty stomach with no fire for warmth.

"I can teach you how to hide your wings if you want. It would be more comfortable to sleep." Dirk said.

"Ok, how do I do it?" I asked.

"It's simple really. It's takes a constant supply of energy but it should be easy to maintain. You just have to imagine you wings retreating back into your body. The first time is always the hardest." He explained.

I concentrated on my wings and pictured them melting into my skin. There was a slight burning sensation that traveled over the skin on my back and the weight of my wings disappeared.

"Wow... that's diffrent... um, well you are a special case so I guess we can't expect everything to be the same as usual..." Dirk said.

"What? What happened? I thought it would be more painful?" I thought back.

"It was supposed to be yes... but your wings... instead of retreating back into your body, they just kinda fused with your skin and turned into a tattoo..." The dragon said.

"A very cool looking tattoo, if I may say." Shadow suddenly spoke up.

"Oh well, no sence worrying about that now. You should get some rest as much as possible." Rex interrupted.

"Yeah, ok. Good night." I mentally said and after they all answered, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

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