Chapter 35

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My wake up call the next morning was a knife to the stomach. Kyle was standing just inches from my face, smirking evilly. He yanked the knife back out and watched in fascination as the wound healed.

"I'll never get tired of that." He said.

Rex growled in my mind. Kyle had opened my connection with them again.

"Your finger didn't change over night so your shifts will only force themselves to the surface to heal a life threatening wound when your not connected. Now I want to see what happens with the accelerated healing of your beasts. Will it grow back, or will it just heal over." Kyle said as if I cared about his stupid experiments.

After a few minutes, the wound where my finger used to be healed over.

"Damn it, it didn't grow back. Guess even that has its limits. Your nails aren't growing back either but the skin has healed. The nail isn't considered healing then." He mumbled.

"Has your vision come back yet? The color still hasn't returned to normal." He shone a light into my bad eye.

"Still no pupil response, I take it you still can't see." He grabbed his clipboard and started writing.

An alarm started in the hall. High pitched with a red flashing light.

"Fuck, what now?" Kyle cursed.

He dropped his clipboard, rushing out the door. the alarm was blasting my ear drums, giving me a headache. A few minutes went by, I felt like my ears where going to implode when the door opened once again. To my surprise, the technician walked in again. I raised an eyebrow at him, watching his every move as he go closer. This man made me uncomfortable. He was too nice, just like Kyle was before.

"Don't move... er, well sorry, you know what I mean." He practically shouted over the alarm.

He was holding two small orange earplugs in his hands. He stuffed them in my ears gently, greatly reducing the volume of the alarm. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and typed something on it before turning it towards me. On it was written:

"Sorry for the alarm. I saw Kyle coming in here again this morning and pulled the fire alarm. Now they have to evacuate the building while our private firefighting team make sure everything is safe."

I glanced at him once I was done reading and he put his phone away again. He started looking around at the machines until his eyes landed on the cart, more precisely on Kyle's dis scared clipboard. He moved towards it and picked it up. He started reading through the pages, color draining from his face more and more as he went on.

He looked up at me, reaching for his phone again when shouting started up outside the door. His head whipped in the direction of the noise before he looked around frantically. He started feeling along the walls, looking for something. He stopped, pushed on a random panel of the wall directly in front of me and it popped open. He rushed into the dark space beyond, closing the door again quickly. A few seconds after, the main door to the room I was being kept in opened, giving way to three firefighters. They toured the room quickly, making sure there was no fire. They left again almost as quickly as they had come.

The technician reappeared out of the secret room. He was still looking through the papers. He walked around me, disappearing out of my sight until a hand made contact with the skin right between my wings. My fists clenched and I jerked forward against the cage, the hand quickly left my skin at my reaction.

The alarm was finally shut off, leaving my ears ringing slightly. The technician came back to face me, slowly getting closer so he could remove the earplugs I was wearing without startling me. He removed his own next, tucking them away in his pocket.

"You had wings? They... cut them off..." He hesitated.

I just starred at him, attempting to figure out what their plan was with this new charade.

"They screwed up your eye too..." He flipped to the last page and his jaw dropped.

He placed the clipboard back on the cart, as if he was too disgusted by its contents to even touch it.

"They're planning to..." He didn't get to finish his sentence when the door slammed open.

Kyle was standing there, glaring at the technician.

"What are you doing in here Caleb?" He asked.

"I... I just came to ch... check on the device... It was showing signs of overloading. But it was just a false alarm due to the stress the subject was experiencing." He answered, slowly gaining in confidence as he spoke.

"What about the fire drill?" Kyle questioned.

"Oh, I went out with everyone. I ran here as soon as they cleared the building to make sure everything was ok." Caleb answered.

"Hmmm, are you done with your verification then?"

"Yes, like I said, it was a false alarm."

"Well? What are you waiting for then? Get the fuck out of here."

"Yes sir."

Caleb, the technician, ran out of the room leaving me alone with Kyle again. He glanced over everything in the room looking for anything out of place. Once he was satisfied, he turned to me. We stared at each other for a long time.

"That eye of yours really creeps me out. I wish she would have stuck to the plan, now I'm going to have to do something about it."

He tapped his fingers on his crossed arms, thinking. He turned around and started rummaging through the instruments on the cart. He put aside a needle, a scalpel and some metal clips to hold open the eye.

"Maybe I should save myself the trouble and remove your eye completely? It does not seem to be healing at all and there is no guaranty I can successfully fix it. It might still leave you blind afterwards." He thought aloud.

"Then again, we won't know if we don't try. You are our only specimen at the moment, I owe it to myself to try everything." He picked up the items he had set aside and faced me again, a wicked grin plastered across his face.

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