Chapter 39

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I woke up some time later, feeling more rested than I had since being taken by Kyle. I yawned and stretched. Tyler was still sitting next to me, snoring lightly. I opened my eyes. The day was bright with no clouds in sight. It seemed to be early morning. Seth was sitting across from us, plucking feathers from his wings like a bird would. I smiled at the thought.

Except for Caleb tied up and gagged in the back of the cave, the rest of the group was no where in sight. I turned to Tyler whose head now lay against my shoulder after slipping off the top of mine. His hair was slayed across his forehead and eyes, having grown slightly long from not getting the opportunity to cut them since I first met him. I brushed it out of his face gently, the movement catching Seth's attention.

He tucked his wings away and stood. He crossed the cave, lowering himself to the ground on my other side. He scooted around till his head was in my lap. He gave me a pleading look. I placed my hand on his head, gently running my fingers through his hair. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he had not slept in a while. He closed his eyes, indulging in the moment. Soon enough, he was drifting off to sleep, his features relaxing and his breathing evening out.

I rested my head back against he rock wall as I continued passing my fingers in Seth's hair. I was soon lost in thought, going over everything that had happened since the dig site in the desert. I couldn't believe how much my life had changed since then. Who would have guessed that I would make such a big discovery, get experimented on and tortured by the government. When was his shit show ever going to end. I just wanted to go home, where ever that was now, get to know these two sexy men better and move on with my life, even thought I knew I could never have a normal life again.

There was a tapping sound in the cave. I raised my head and looked around for the source of the noise. It was Caleb. He was staring straight at me, wiggling against shirts used to tie him up. He mumbled against the gag, just loud enough for me to hear him but not enough to wake up the boys. I could tell he wanted me to come closer, to remove the gag and possibly even to let him lose, but I did not want to risk waking Seth and Tyler up.

Before I could change my mind, Grey entered the cave again, holding two bowls in his hands. He opened his mouth, but closed it again when he saw Seth and Tyler. He smiled, walking closer and kneeling in front of me. He handed me one of the bowls. I slowly took it from him. It was filled with water.

"We found a small stream nearby. We boiled some water to drink. I can bring you some food a little later if your hungry." He explained.

"Thanks, that would be great." I smiled back.

"This was supposed to be for Tyler, but guess I can bring him some again when he wakes up." He whispered.

He stood again, approaching Caleb. He sat him up, removing the gag in his mouth and helping him drink the water in the bowl. Once Caleb was finished, Grey turned back to me.

"Do you want me to leave the gag off so you can talk? He seemed to have something important to tell you." Grey asked.

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

Grey nodded before walking out of the cave again. There was a moment of silence as Caleb seemed to be contemplating what to say first and how to say it.

"They will find you if you stay here." He finally blurted.

"What?" I replied.

"The tracker in your stomach? They can track you where ever you go, and when they come for you they will use every technology at their disposition to catch you, all of you." He continued.

"Shit. I had forgotten about that. How could I be so stupid?" I cursed.

"I know how to remove it, but I need equipment." He said.

I squinted at him, still suspicious as to why he was helping me.

"Look, I know you don't trust me. I heard about what Kyle did and I understand why you are on guard, but I genuinely want to help you. No one deserves to be treated the way you where." He added.

I looked away from him and down at Seth. I didn't want to wake him up given he looked so tired, but we had to get moving. We had to get to the nearest town or city and get the tracker out of me. Be it by Caleb or by someone else.

I slowly and carefully untangled myself from Tyler and Seth, gently lying Seth's head on the ground and pushing Tyler back up to sit straight against the wall, making sure he would not fall over again.

"Wait! Where are you going? You can't leave me tied up with my only protection being two sleeping men." Caleb protested.

"Just scream if something happens, they'll wake up. But don't you dare wake them up for no good reason." I stated.

I walked out of the cave. There was two men standing guard outside the door, making me feel safer leaving the three men in the cave.

"Where's Grey?" I asked one of them.

"Down by the stream we found, that way." He pointed towards the forest to the right of the cave.


I walked into the trees, moving around trees and tripping over roots. I finally made it to the stream without falling flat on my face. Grey and the others where gathered around a fire, boiling more water and cooking meat.

"Grey!" I called out.

He jumped slightly before his eyes landed on me and he separated from the group to join me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"We have to leave right now. They know where we are! Caleb reminded me that I have a tracker in me. We have to get away from here and find a place where we can remove it." I explained.

His jaw dropped and he cursed. He quickly turned and started gathering everyone up. They put out the fire, collected the food and water and quickly retreated to the cave. I woke up Tyler while Grey picked up Caleb. I explained the situation to him. He promptly gathered Seth in his arms, surprising me that he was able to carry him so easily, and we started off into the forest.

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