Chapter 22

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Blake's POV.

"Ok...?" I hesitated.

"I will try to keep helping you as much as I can, but they are holding my brother against me. That thing on his wrist can kill him and only my boss can take it off him." He explained before practically running out of the room, leaving me speechless.

His brother moved to enter the room, but someone attracted his attention outside my box. A woman walked up to him with a bright smile, although her eyes showed pure evil. It sent a shiver down my spine. I stepped towards the door in hopes of making out what she was saying by reading her lips but the angle she was standing at made it impossible.

Sammy glanced towards the exit every few seconds, his expression remaining surprisingly stoic. After a few minutes of discussion, she turned to me and her smile grew even wider if possible. I took a subconscious step back. She swung the door open, stepping in. I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much... just having a look at my new test subject." She answered.

I raised an eyebrow at her, glancing over at Sammy who, to my surprise, had disappeared. She pulled a remote from her pocket and a few male scientists walked up to the door. She spun the remote in her hand before pulling a pair of thick metal cuffs from behind her back.

"Now will you be a good boy, or will I get to test this new invention you have on your head for myself?" She asked.

"Depends... do you have approval from your new head scientist?"

"How do you... no matter. I don't need his approval. This new position of his is temporary and just made to keep him in check. Once he loses his usefulness to the institution..."


"Anyway, keep your wings folded and turn around, or please do resist I am dying to use this beauty." She raised the remote, her finger on one of the buttons.

I ground my teeth together, tuning around slowly. I didn't want her to have the opportunity to torture me like she so desperately wanted. I clenched my fists, forcing my slowly recovering wing to fully close against my back. I heard the door opening again and multiple pairs of feet entering. My arms where grabbed and forced out to my sides as my wings where roughly pushed against my body harder. They wrapped something round the base of my wings as well as around the wings themselves, then pulled them as tight as they could, sending pain through me. I groaned, involuntarily pulling against the men holding my arms. There was a slight click behind me before a wave of pain radiated through my head and spread all the way down to my toes. My mouth opened in a silent scream, my knees buckled, and my vision went white.

After what felt like hours but must have only been seconds in reality, the pain dulled down slowly. The world faded back into sight and I found myself laid out on the flour, breathing heavily and the straps still digging into my wings.

"Wow, it's very effective don't you think? Can't wait to try out the other functions." The lady said, stepping on my hand with her high heals.

My wings where now completely immobilized and there was nothing I could do as she bent down to pluck out a few of my feathers none too gently. I was forced back onto my feet once she had taken her foot off my hand. She pulled a needle with silvery liquid in it out of her pocket, stepping up to me. She pulled the cap off and stuck it in my neck. The liquid burned as it entered my body. I could feel it traveling up my face all the way to the crown of my head, the burning getting worse and worse as it went.

"Strange... it's like his skin is burning from the inside but the burn is very localized. It doesn't spread away from he veins. Place him on the table for observation, a normal person would die within an hour, let's see if he can survive." The woman said.

I was dragged to the table and flung onto it, crushing my wings behind me. One man ducked under the table and a few seconds later, my wings fell through a hole in the table that had just been opened. I was strapped down securely before all but two of the men left the room. The lady had handed the feathers that she held to some of them as they walked past her.

The right side of my face started feeling numb and the vision in that eye became blurry. The smell of burning flesh soon filled my nostrils, my right eye went completely blind before it felt like the skin there was splitting open, a hot liquid poring out of it and down the side of my head. The woman approached me with a small light in hand.

"Looks like his body was able to limit the propagation of the compound by isolating the affected blood vessels. Once the spread was under control, his body expelled the substance through the skin. Are you writing this down?" She asked the man to her left who scrambled to grab a clipboard and pen from a nearby table and scribble down everything she said.

"Open your eye." She commanded, flashing her little light at me.

That might explain why I can't see anything if my eye is closed. I focused on prying my eyelid open, nothing changing after a few seconds. She moved her light to the right side of my face. Everything was silent for a few seconds.

"You can't see anything can you? It seems like the subject was unable to expel the poison from his optic nerve. The blood vessels have burst but the compound stayed trapped beneath the Sclera of the eye, thus rendering him blind in said eye. It is left to determine whether this condition is temporary or permanent." She continued, the man next to her scribbling away in an attempt to keep up with everything she was saying.

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