Chapter 50

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I blushed harder then I had ever blushed before. He was wearing a pair of skin tight black boxers that he had probably found in his room this morning and left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I turned away so fast I think I got whiplash.

"Stop teasing him no nose." Tyler jumped in.

"You know I hate that nickname, I have a nose!" Seth answered.

"No nose?" I asked.

"It what a kid called him back when we where still on good terms with humanity. The kid could not pronounce Sethanos and started calling him no no which really sounded like no nose when he said it." Tyler laughed.

I chuckled. Seth grumbled behind me, zipping up his pants. He shoved Tyler's clothes at him and took his place covering him, but mow that the jacket covered his wings, all he could do was stand between Tyler and the rest of the room. I went to stand next to him to give Tyler more privacy. Tyler grabbed my arm, spun me around quickly and pecked me on the lips.

"Don't worry, I won't make you help me like some idiot did." He whispered just loud enough for Seth to hear.

"Good cuz I have no plan on falling for that again." I replied, returning to my spot next to Seth.

Once everyone in our little group was done changing we made our way to the armory to get some weapons. I grabbed two hand guns and a knife, making sure a brought two extra full clips just in case. Seth covered himself in knifes of all sizes and one hand gun at my insistence. Tyler slung a snipper rifle across his back, two hand guns on his hips and a sword I had no idea where he had found it.

We finally got back to the main room amongst the last people to arrive. A few minutes later, everyone was there looking badass and ready to raise hell. Trent passed in front of the group for a few seconds before stopping.

"For those of you who aren't aware, the plan is very simple. We go in under the cover of night, we surround the clearing while the subterain team secure the underground pipes to make sure no one escapes. We move in, kill the guards outside. The hackers will get us into the building and dissable as many systems as they can to make it easier for us to get in. Finally, we rescue our people as well as whoever else is being held there and kill the rest. Everyone got it?" He explained.

"Yes Sir!" The crowed shouted in unison.

We where about sixty or seventy individuals all gathered in this bunker, I believed we had an actual chance to beat them. I just had to make absolutely sure I was the first one to get to Kyle so that I could kill him myself.

We filled up the stairs two by two all the way to the top floor and out into the open air. The underground team constituted of fifteen people who split off from the main force and entered into the pipes through a man hole not too far from the base entrence. The sun was setting as the rest of us walked a bit away from the base and in the forest, there was a hidden lot full of enough motorcycles for everyone. They where in a wooden shack fully painted to blend into the trees seamlessly. Someone had work very hard on making this.

Those who didn't feel comfortable driving a motorcycle got paired up with someone else who was. Trent tried to make me ride with him, but back off after I said no for the fourth time and Seth threatened him with physical violence. I ended up with Tyler as Seth didn't trust anyone else.

We took off into the trees, ridding until the sun had fully set. We stopped once we got close to the lab to give a chance to everyone to rest up, drink and eat before heading into battle. We walked the rest of the way to minimize the noise and maximize the surprise effect. 

We breached the clearing 20 minutes later. There was no time to hesitate as the enemy could see us, but we could not see them yet. Gun fire erupted as soon as we left the trees, taking down people with none fatal bullets to unprotected areas. Once past the force field, we came face to face with around twenty guards and more in lookout towers all around the base.

We exchanged fire for a while until all the soldiers where down. The hackers had stayed behind outside the forcefield to start their work which soon paid off. The fence doors slid open first, followed by the main doors to the building. We stormed in, shooting, or slashing for Tyler and Seth, those who got in the way. The scientists in the base where not completely surprised with our attack as they had all had the time to arm themselves, they where on the other hand, not expecting us to be so many as they where not organised to take on so many people.

We eventually made it down to the cells. We had split up into groups of six to cover every inch of the place as well as leave some men outside in case anyone made a run for it. The cells started opening one by one as the hackers worked there way through them. When the door closest to me opened, I turned towards it, gun drawn just in case. Low and behold, Kyle was standing in there holding a knife to Oliver's throat.

"Look what we have here. If it isn't my cute little Blakey." He said.

"I'm not yours. Let him go." I answered.

"But you are mine. Your my greatest experiment. My best test subject." He rambled.

"You bastard. You made my life a living hell. I will never forgive you." I shot back.

"Aww, don't be like that Blakey. It was all for the good of science, you understand that right?" He asked.

"Forget about me and just shoot him!" Oliver yelled.

I glanced at him and saw the determination in his eyes. I took a deep breath, aimed and pulled the trigger.

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