Chapter 1

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When I came to again, my entire body felt like pins and needles were poking it from every possible direction. I felt like I was floating but my body still refused to move and respond to me.

The pinprick sensation grew worse with every passing second and suddenly, I realized that the head to breath was back but something was obstructing my airways. I started coughing and trying to open my eyes or move my hands but all I managed was some awkward twitching.

I could hear some muffled voices through the ringing in my ears but could not recognize the voices or what they were saying. The feeling of floating slowly subsided and I found myself lying on a cold metal table before I was turned on my side.

I coughed violently, liquid spilling out of my mouth, slowly clearing my airways until I could finally breath again. I lay there for a few seconds, just enjoying the feeling of the air traveling in and out of my lungs, something I never thought I would miss, before I was gently turned back onto my back and managed to slowly pry my eyes open.

At first, I was blinded by the light and I heard some more muffled shouting before the light was slowly lowered to a bearable amount. Then, I could see two people standing over me but everything was too blurry for me to make out who they where.

I could hear them talking but the ringing had yet to clear and was gumbling their words. The one to my right waved his hand in front of my face and I looked at him as best as I could.

Eventually, I was able to move a little again and the ringing subsided as well. I quickly found out that I was strapped to the table with thick metal bands. The table was also metallic but oddly warm for metal and I was being blasted by warm air on all sides.

"Hey, wake up." Someone said.

I blinked a few times and my vision finally cleared and I was met with the faces of two young men in white lab coats I had never met before. The one who had spoken previously had brown hair and eyes, light skin, a scar on his left cheek and was standing to my right. The other man had blond hair, blue eyes and a rose tattooed on the left side of his neck and was looking over machines to my left.

"There we go! He's back with us." The brown haired man said, making the other guy look over at me.

The man with the tattoo looked stunned for a second before he made his way over to me and started flashing a light in my eyes, making me flinch away.

"Holly shit, he's not brain dead." Tattoo man said.

"No..." I said, my voice came out very faint and croaky.

They both stared at me for a long moment before the man with the scar snapped out of it.

"Kyle... what's his name again?" He asked, hitting the other man on the arm.

The blondie started searching through his papers on the clipboard he was carrying frantically.

"...Bl...Blake..." I finally provided them with the information as they didn't seam to be finding it in their papers.

"Blake... Right! Well Blake, I am doctor Patrick Moss and this is doctor Kyle Brown. We were assigned your case yesterday since the previous doctors who had your case retired, although you wouldn't know that since you were frozen and all. So, this morning your condition suddenly took a turn for the worst and we had to take you out of your cryogenic state but it took so long to unfreeze you we thought for sure that you would be dead and that even if we managed to resuscitate you, it would be too late to keep you from brain damage. But hey! Look at you now! You look pretty fine to me." The brown haired man rambled on.

"H...How long..." I trailed of.

"How long where you frozen?" He asked looking to his partner for answers.

"Let's see here, it said you where frozen in the year 2019... so that means you were frozen for approximately... 200 years..." Kyle answered.

I jaw dropped and I stared at him. I couldn't believe my ears, I had been here 200 years?! That means that everyone I used to know where dead. And what had happened to Tyler and Seth in all this time? Where they alive? Dead? What about Rachel and Charles? What had happened to them after we had been taken here? Had they tried looking for us? Had they lived a good life?

All these questions were chasing each other around my head when they where suddenly interrupted by a loud alarm going off and red lights flashing everywhere.

"What's going on? This never has happened before." Patrick said.

"Where's the protocol manual?" Kyle asked as he started looking around the room frantically.

Patrick joined him in opening and closing all the drawers and doors in the room when four large men with guns barged into the room.

"What are you two headless chickens doing?! There has been a containment breach. Secure the subject and get moving! We will escorte you to the roof where the helicopter is waiting to bring you to a secure location!" The first man to enter the room shouted.

"Secure...? He is already strapped to a table, he's not going anywhere." Patrick said.

"Don't you know your procedures? Jesus your fucking rookies! The subject nears to be blindfolded, gagged and sedated to avoid any escape attempt! Now hurry the fuck up, we don't have much time the building is going on lockdown!" The man said.

Patrick sighed and quickly found something to gag me and blindfold me with while Kyle prepared a neadle with liquid inside and injected me quickly. I felt drowsy and sluggish but I stayed conscious.

"Let's go! Move it!" The man shouted and the table I was on started moving.

I was pushed around multiple corners before coming to a stop. We started moving upwards telling me we where in an elevator and when it finally stopped, a gush of cool fresh air blasted over me as the doors opened. There was the unmistakable sound of a helicopter and the very strong gusts of wind created by the rotors that ruffled my hair in every direction.

I enjoyed the fresh air for as long as I could before I was packed away in the chopper. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and shouts erupted all around.

"Hurry up! Get them out of here we will take care of that thing. Go! Go! Go!" A man shouted.

The helicopter started moving and I could hear a door being shut when a voice I hadn't heard in ages cut through all the noise and confusion.


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