Chapter 51

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Oliver and Kyle both went down hard. Kyle started screaming in pain, clutching his chest while Oliver did his best to crawl away from him one arm dangling uselessly to his side. I walked into the room and stood over Kyle, pointing my gun at his head.

"Fuck you asshole." I pulled the trigger once more, ending his miserable life for good.

"Nice shot kid, and thanks for saving my ass." Oliver said from behind me.

I kicked Kyle's lifeless corps one last time before rushing to Oliver's side. I helped him to his feet, calling for one of the hackers on the coms to deactivate the collar around his neck. It soon splattered to the ground where Oliver took great pleasure in stomping it to pieces before we left the room.

By now most of the fighting was over. There was only the occasional gun shot or shout echoing through the halls. The rescued where escorted out of the facility where those with the most medical knowledge attended to them. Seth and Tyler soon joined me once again outside, covered in blood for the most part. Luckily none of it was theirs.

Once the last of the scientists had been eradicated, everyone met up again outside, all except Trent, he was no where to be seen. We had successfully managed to get everyone on our side put of there alive. The adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins slowly dissipated and the need to pee overtook me.

"I gotta go relive myself real quick, be right back." I told the three boys I was with.

I made my way into the trees a short distance and pulled down my fly. I relived myself as cheering started up from the clearing. I finished up and started back towards everyone. I was just about to step into view when a hand covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist. Both my guns where empty so they where of no help. I wiggled and struggled as best I could as I was dragged back into the woods.

"I told you they would not always be around to protect you. Your mine now." Trent growled into my ear.

I scratched at his hands, making him hiss in pain. That is when I remembered I had a knife with me. I fumbled around for it at my ankle until I finally managed to pull it out. I stabbed him in the leg with it as hard as I could. He shouted and let go of me, stumbling backwards and falling over.

I fell to the ground before scrambling back to my feet and running for it. Unfortunately he managed to grab my foot, tripping me up once again. I tried to scream for help, but he crawled on top of me wrapping his bloody hands around my neck. I fraught to push him off to no avail, he was to heavy.

"Shut you bloody mouth you whore, you are going to pay for what you just did." He growled, pulling his right arm back and punching me across the face.

My vision grew blurry, disorienting me as I gasped for breath. Just when I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen, he released his hold on my neck. I drew in a large breath, rubbing at the tender area.

"You're coming with me to my hideout, no one will ever find you there." He said, grabbing a fistfull of my hair.

Just as he started dragging me along, a gun shot rang out through the trees. The grip on me loosened followed by a thump next to me. I sat up in time to see Oliver lowering the still smoking gun back to his side in his uninjured hand, the other was temporarily patched up and in a sling.

"I never liked that guy. Always knew he was up to no good. You Ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok, thank you." I answered.

"That's gonna leave some bruises. You ok to walk or do you need me to go get one of your friends to carry you back?"

"No, I can do it."

I stood up on wobbly legs, glancing down to see Trent laying on his stomach one clean bullet wound straight through his head. I clenched my teeth and we started walking back to everyone.

"What are you going to tell them?" I asked.

"About Trent? Absolutely nothing." Oliver answered smoothly.

"But won't they..." I started, but he cut me off.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it for even a second longer. No body liked the guy. He was an asshole through and through. He was a good fighter though, but it was waisted on him." He explained.

The rest of the walk was silent. As soon as we stepped out of the trees Seth and Tyler smothered me in their embrace, fretting over me like they always did.

"What happened to you?" Seth asked.

"Who did this to you?" Tyler followed up.

"Are feeling dissy?"

"Is anything broken?"

"Was it this asshole who hurt you?"

"Are you..." They bombarded me with questions until I cut them off.

"Wow there, one question at a time. I can't answer if you keep bombarding me like this. Oliver saved me, it was not him. It was that Trent guy who did this to me. He was trying to kidnap me, but he is dead now and I'm ok so you don't have to go on a rampage." I answered.

They insisted I see one of the medics just in case. The girl I ended up seeing had healing abilities that took away the pain and drastically reduces the appearance of the bruises. Once everyone was taken care of and ready to travel again, we made our way back to the base.

"Here, to thank you for the help we will provide you with a nice little condo in the city closest to here. You can take how ever many motorcycles you need to travel there, they are a gift too. We will free your friend too, I think he is a genuinely nice guy, just ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time. Is he going with you guys too?" Oliver questioned.

"Thank you for everything, but no he is not. I'm sure he has his own house to return to as he was not a captive. Are you sure it's ok to give us this?" I returned.

"Yeah don't worry about it. We have some anonymous donors helping us out with all this. We are providing housing and transport for all of the victims. The city will basicly become a heaven just for people like us, with me as it's mayor." He answered.

"Wow, that's awesome! I'm sure you will be a great mayor. Thank you again for everything." I said.

"Yes, thank you. You're an ok guy." Seth finally softened up, Tyler nodding along next to him.

They shook hands and we took off towards our new home. It took us approximately 1 hour to reach it with a few stops here and there to check the road Oliver had drawn for us on a map. We got to the apartment building indicated, and found we had the key to the top floor penthouse. It was breathtakingly beutiful and perfect for three people.

There was a note of the table that said how they had found documents detailing what had been done to me and for how long as well as what happened to Seth and Tyler and who we where to each other. They had come across them after infiltrating the previous experiment lab the scientists had used. They had been extremely surprised when they found us still alive and all agreed that we should have the penthouse as we had suffered the most. There was also three pre-paid cell phones on the table, enough money to live for a few months and job offers. Everything we could ever possibly wish for to start anew.

Over the next few days and weeks, the apartment complex filled up, the houses where the familly of those who had been kidnapped resided erupted into celebration as families where reunited. The town was self sufficient as to not rely on the rest of the world to keep our secret hidden. Life went back to normal all around us and after a while of adaptation, so did we. I got a job as teacher at the local school, Seth worked in the fields on a farm in town and Tyler taught children self defence classes.

Life was finally looking up for all of us and a year later, Seth, Tyler and I decided to get married. We eventually adopted a set of twins and a shy emo girl to raise up as our very own children. We never encountered the mad scientists again despite keeping a sharp eye out for any trace of them.

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