Chapter 34

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I came to with a strong jolt of electricity running through my body as well as magical energy my shifts where forcing through me. A muffled scream erupted from my throat. It lasted a few more minutes before my shifts retreated back and the electricity stopped.

"Sorry... This is the max we can do right now..." Dirk's fading voice said, then they where gone again.

"Ah! Your back! I was right! I knew they couldn't let you die that easily! Took a little longer than anticipated, but even if it had untimely failed there are still two more of you out there, am I right? They shouldn't be too hard to find." Kyle rambled.

My eyes grew wide at his implication. He was gonna go after Seth and Tyler. These psychos where going to hurt my mates! I started thrashing against the bars holding me in as hard as I could. I desperately wanted to break out of here and kill every single person left in this cursed building for daring to threaten my mates. They deserved to die a slow painful death.

"Take it easy. As long as we have you, we have no reason to seek them out." Kyle said.

I relaxed sightly, but continued glaring at him. His phone buzzed and he glanced at it quickly. He walked to the door to open it.

"Come on in. I will be keeping an eye on you this time to make sure you do your job properly." Kyle stated, letting the same man who had hosed me down last time enter the room.

He was holding the same damn hose as last time and wearing the same creepy smirk everyone in this place seemed to have as he turned towards me. He quickly got to work, placing plastic on machines and hosing me down from head to toe.

My wounds where luckily no longer bleeding but they where not closed yet, guess that is what Dirk meant before we where cut off. I was once again left shivering by the time the man finished. He quickly pushed the extra water into the drain, picked up his plastic coverings and rushed out of the room, but not before throwing me a wink over his shoulder.

Kyle walked up to me, inspecting me up and down.

"That looks uncomfortable." He said with a fake pout.

I didn't even bother acknowledging him. He eventually turned around, riffling through the papers on his clipboard. He would hum every few seconds or mutter a "nah" as he flipped the pages.

"Oh! This will do nicely." He exclaimed.

He Walked out of the room, reappearing a few minutes later with the cart full of tools. He picked a pair of pliers from the stack.

"We need a sample of your nails, and you could really do if a manicure." He stated.

He took hold of my left hand, forcing my index finger straight. He took hold of my nail with the pliers and ripped off my entire nail. I shouted in pain, my chin digging into the metal mouthpiece holding my mouth closed.

"Do you have claws by any chance? Maybe I could get a sample of those too." He asked, not even bothering to look up at me.

He pressed down on the tips of my fingers to try and see for himself. He sighed when he realized that I didn't and proceed to rip off another nail.

"This should be enough for their tests." He mumbled after removing all the nails from that hand.

"We can't leave you like that now can we? We have to do the other hand too." He went over to my other hand and repeated the process.

A cold sweat broke out over my body by the time he finished. I was breathing fast and my fingers trembled, blood dripping off of them.

"Next, we are going to see if you can regrow a severed body part. Don't worry, I won't take anything vital. We cauterized your wings to be sure they wouldn't grow back, can't have you trying to fly away again, but now we have to test out the theory." He explained.

He took a pair of shears from the cart. He grabbed a hold of my pinky on my left hand and placed it in between the blades of the shears. I struggled to close my hand and protect my fingers, but my pinky was no match for his fingers. He slowly increased the pressure, taking pleasure in my pain as the shears slowly cut into my flesh. They soon made contact with bone and he had to apply more strength to get through it. All at once, the shears broke through the bone, leaving me with one less pinky.

"Let's give it till tomorrow to show a result." He wrapped my dismembered pinky in a small cloth before stuffing it into a small container of ice on the cart.

He rummaged through the cart, looking for the next thing to use on me when there was a knock on the door.

"I'm in the middle of testing. You can talk to me later in my office." He shouted at whoever was on the other side of the door.

His only answer was another knock. Kyle clenched his fists and went to open the door. Standing on the other side was the technician from earlier holding an opened laptop in his hands.

"Sorry to disrupt your testing sir, but there seems to be some kind of malfunction with the device. I need to check on it." He explained.

Kyle gave him a suspicious look before glancing back at me.

"It looks fine to me." He answered the technician.

"That's not what the device feedback is telling me." The technician explained.

"What seems to be the problem with it?" Kyle asked.

"I won't know for sure until I get into the device itself, but it looks like it might be something with the newly installed automatic control panel." The man answered.

"So you messed up your repairs."

"Well no, but..." He was cut off.

"I am surrounded by a bunch of imbeciles! Just do what you have to do and you better get it right this time."

Kyle stormed out of the room and the technician walked in. He placed his computer next to one of the machines and pulled out a cloth and some sort of ointment. I glared at him as he approached me.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. This ointment will help with the pain and keep your wounds from getting infected." He explained.

He started wiping the blood off from my fingers, applying pressure to my missing pinky to stench the blood flow. He held it there for a good ten minutes before getting started on applying the ointment. To my surprise, it actually numbed the pain slightly. I still didn't trust the guy though, this kindness bullshit was probably just another trick like the one Kyle had pulled.

"I Lied by the way. There is nothing wrong with that thing on your head so you don't have to worry about me opening it again. I can just imagine how much the sealing process hurts. I could hear your screams all the way down the hall and I couldn't stand it anymore, so here I am." He explained.

He finished applying the cream to all my fingers. He took his laptop and sat down on the floor.

"I'll stay here until the end of my shift, pretend I'm still working on you. Hopefully, by the time I leave Kyle will have lost interest in you for today." He said and proceeded to type away at his computer.

It felt like hours went by before he stood up again. The sudden movement startled me out of my half asleep state.

"Sorry... I have to go now. It's pretty late so I doubt Kyle will be back to continue his tests tonight." He stated.

He closed his laptop, tucked it under his arm, gave me one last apologetic look and walked out the door. A little while after the technician had left, a woman walked in carrying yet another IV bag. She replace the bag of nutrients by the one in her hands.

"I heard you are responsible for the big escape the other day. They told me you are to be kept drugged at night to prevent the situation from repeating itself. You really shouldn't have done that. They hate when people try to escape, but I guess your figuring that out by now." The woman rambled as she worked.

She sneered at me then walked out without a second look. The drugs started kicking in almost immediately, dragging me into the comfort of the abyss sleep had become.

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