Chapter 42

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Tyler's pov.

I paced back and forth as I waited for my two mates to come back out from the cave. I cringed as I thought of what Blake would be going through. There was a way to make the process of reatatching ones wings less painful, but it took a lot more time and it would never be completely pain free.

I was expacting to hear Blake scream at any second. I kept my sences sharp and alert to the forest arround us for any sign of someone aproaching our location, not fully trusting the scientist we kidnaped to be telling us the truth about his device to hide our location.

"The battery is down to 20 percent. If they make it quick, we may have enough time left to start moving away from here again before the gps activates again." Caleb, the scientist said from where he was sitting on the ground leaning against a tree.

"You have no idea what he is going through right now so shut up. It will take the time that it takes, even if your little device runs out of battery before they are done." I stated back.

He fell silent after that, looking down at the ground with a frown. A branch snapped near by and I jerked to the right to face the direction of the noise. I scaned the trees, trying to make out what had caused the sound. I glanced at Caleb quickly then at the waterfall. I really didnt want to leave my two ungarded mates alone with him, but i also had to go make sure the soldiers we where running from had not somehow found us.

"I swear if anything hapens to them while I'm gone I will make you die the most painfull death in the history of man kind." I threatened.

"Alright, alright! I got it! I already said I was here to help, nothing will happen." He answered.

I searched his face for a few seconds before taking off above the forest. I flew close to the top of the trees to try and stay outbof sight as much as possible. I didn't have to go very far before I passed over two deers fighting, antlers locked together in a potentielaly deadly tangle. The sound I had heard had been the two running at eachother. I circle arround the clearing we where in once just to make sure I had not missed anything before landing once again.

Caleb had not moved a muscle, still staring at the ground like it had wtonged him. No words where exchanged as I resumed my nervous pacing in the grass.

"Is it really that bad?" He whispered, breaking the silence after a few tense seconds.

"What?" I asked.

"Reattatching your wings...?" He spoke up.

"Yes, our wings are just like our arms or legs. It hurts just as much as getting one of them ripped off." I answered.

"Oh... sorry."

I ignored him, moving to sit next to the small river that flowed from the waterfall. I sat so that my feet where in the water. I watched as it flowed over my skin, reflecting the sun every so often. It was cristal clear, allowing me to see that there where no fish in the water.

Time passed by very slowly as I anxiously awayted news of my mates. I couldn't get my heart to stop racing, abcentmindedly uprooting blade of grass after blade of grass until I finally had a small pile of it on my lap. I brushed it into the water, watching a it floated away, before standing up and walking again.

The mind link conecting me to Seth finally opened back up again, alerting me that they where finished. I turned to the hiden cave anxiously.

"Everything went fine. He is very weak since we didn't have time to make it less painful, mind coming in to help me cary him out?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm on my way. Just let me secure the nuisance over here."

I quickly shoved some leaves into Caleb's mouth. He shouted in protest, but I ignored him. I found some thick vines nearby and tied him to the tree to stop him from trying to run or alert anyone to our presence.

I started towards to cave, rushing into the water until I could no longer touch the ground. I dived under, swiming towards the bubles the waterfall created at its base. Just as i was about to reach it, there was a loud groaning noise. I froze, glancing up towards the surface in an attempt to figure out what was happening.

Waves where shaking the surface, making it impossible to see beyond it. There was a splash behind me that drew my attention. A rock was floating to the bottom of the river where it blew up a small cloud of dirt all around it. There was another slpash, then another and another, becoming more and more frequent. I dodged them as best I could as I tried to swim back up to the surface.

A first rock hit my left shoulder, sending pain radiating down my arm. I groaned, accodentaly letting a few bubbles of air escape my mouth. I swam faster despite the pain in my shoulder, but my path was continuously being blocked by falling stones, forcing me to turn this way and that, constantly changing directions and making little progress in my quest to reach the surface to breath.

I was just about to reach the surface when a larger than most bolder fell directly above me. I didn't have the time to avoid it and it hit me directly in the side of the head as I instinctively flinched away from it. Black spots started dancing in my vision as my body went numb. The rock dragged me back down deeper under the surface of the water as I tried to get my limbs to start moving again.

My back hit the bottom of the river, knocking the remainder of my oxigen out of my lungs. The stone settled on my chest, pinning me down. I heared my shift shout Seth's name through our link before my eyes drifted shut and I surrendered to unconciousness.

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