Chapter 10

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The next day, after a almost completely sleepless night, we started walking again. Just like the man had said, by mid day we had reached the top of a mountain where a chopper was located with its rotor still spinning.

I was shoved into it and strapped down securely. There was a soldier sitting on either side of me, one of the two scientists that had been there when I first woke up, Kyle if I remember correctly, sitting in front of me and the man sitting next to him.

The chopper quickly took off, raising into the sky and banking left towards what I could only imagine was my new hell hole. I looked out the window to try and see if I could locate the cave I had last seen my mates in but all I could see where trees.

"Sorry..." I heard a whisper from the seats across from mine.

I turned to look at who had spoken just as Kyle jabbed a needle in my left thigh. I gasped, glaring up at him. My body went numb within seconds, leaving me slumped forward in my seat. He raised my head to look into my eyes.

"It is still a work in progress after all, nothing we have is strong enough to knock you out anymore. Hold his head please." He said.

The soldier to my right grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked up, making me growl. He was lucky I couldn't move right now or I would have bitten one of his fingers off.

"Careful with the merchandise." Kyle stated in a sharp tone.

The soldier sighed and moved his hand from my hair to my jaw where he proceeded to dig his nails into my skin. Kyle dug through a bag at his feet and pulled out a single strip of material.

"I'm sorry I have to do this but it's my orders. You are not to see where we are going." Kyle apologized.

He tied it securely around my head, making sure it covered my eyes properly before the soldier let go of my head, letting it drop limply to my chest. I was violently shoved back into my seat and the straps pulled ever tighter against my body, digging into my skin.

We where in the chopper for an awful long time, to the point where my muscles where starting to cramp, when there was a sudden jolt followed by a strong gust of wind.

The straps holding me where undone and I was dragged backwards out of the chopper, my legs hitting the ground painfully. I was quickly pulled away from the noise of the helicopter and into a building judging by the sound of opening and closing doors as we moved.

My body was starting to wake up again slowly, causing me to twitch involuntarily.

"Your drugs are wearing off." Someone said.

"Let's just hurry and get him into his cell, I don't want to have to give him a second dose just for this." Kyle answered.

We continued moving, taking various turns and the occasional elevator ride to which it was hard to tell whether we were going up or down, before we finally stopped.

"They want him in this one." Kyle said.

There was the jingle of keys, the sound of a door opening and at the exact moment, I regained full control of my body. I shoved myself up and away from the soldier, fully intent on kicking him but he easily caught my foot due to the fact that I was still blindfolded and my aim was probably completely off.

"What you gonna do now you little shit?" Came the same unknown voice as before.

When I didn't answer, he laughed and shoved my leg upwards making me fall back and hit my head on the ground hard as I had nothing to catch myself with.

A door shut as soon as I hit the ground, leaving the laughing soldier on the other side. I didn't bother getting up from the ground until someone spoke again.

"Hey! L... Let me out!" Kyle shouted.

"No can do. There is a wild animal in there, can't risk opening the door for you while I'm alone. What if it escapes and I can't stop it? I'll go get a security team and we will come get you... eventually." The voice said, before it walked away his laugh fading away with him.

"Um..." Kyle hesitated.

"Take this blindfold off, now." I told him, sitting up.

There was a moment of silence and then his hesitant footsteps approached me. My body tensed involuntarily and he froze but soon continued approaching. There was the slightest touch of his fingers against my forehead before the blindfold was lifted off my eyes.

I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting to the brightness. Kyle scrambled away from me, staying as close to the door as he physically could making me raise an eyebrow at his actions. He sounded so calm and confident before this so what gives?

I was in a completely white cell with only a grey toilet, a sink and a small bed jutting out of one of the walls. The door was made of thick glass that took up half of one wall, it had a row of small holes along the middle probably made to be able to speak through the door among other things I kind of suspected.

"You can takes these off me right?" I asked Kyle, glancing at him again.

"Well... I can but... I won't." He answered.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"They are the only thing keeping you from using your powers and from killing me." He stated.

"So there what's blocking my powers. Too bad I can't shift with these either." I whispered.

"You have shifts?! As in... you can turn into another species?! Oh my god! How many do you have?! What can you shift into?!"

"You didn't know? You have been doing god knows what experiments on me witought the slightest idea of what the results would be?!"

"Um, well... yes, my predecessors did... At first, they just wanted to see how your body would react to being injected alien blood, they thought you would die but then you started adapting to it and you became more then just a test."

Silence settled in, me unwilling to talk any further and him too scared to ask anymore and the soldier showing no signs of returning.

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