Chapter 12

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Seth's POV.

"Fuck!!" I shouted, driving my fist into the ice once again.

My arm was covered in hot flames as I continued trying to break the ice that blocked the path a little ways inside the cave but this one was abnormally solid and melting very slowly. My knuckles split open, smudging blood across the surface but I ignored it.

"Blake!!" I yelled.

I heard rushed footsteps approaching behind me though I didn't take my eyes off the scene playing out before me. Blake stood at the corner of the cave entrance, frozen with his hands up and a gun pointed at his head.

"Seth? What's going on? Why is the entrance frozen?" Tyler asked.

"It's Blake's doing." I answered.

"What? Why?" He came to a stop next to me just as Blake spread his wings and took off.

"No!! Blake come back!" I yelled.

I hit the ice with all my strength when Blake suddenly faltered in his flight and started falling. He crashed back into the trees a short distance away but didn't reappear. I panicked and started throwing my hole body against the dent I had already made in the ice, succeeding only in dislocating my shoulder.

Tyler wrapped his arms around me and forced me away from it with Grey's help to immobilize me.

"Seth, tell me, what's going? Why are we trapped in here and why did Blake take off like that?" Tyler questioned.

"There was still a soldier left... He caught Blake at gunpoint when he ran out... and now..." I trailed off as Tyler's eyes went wide and his face paled.

"I thought you said they where all gone?!" Tyler shouted at Grey.

"I did... they were. He must have circled back after I checked for some reason. There was no one around when I looked." Grey defended himself.

Tyler growled before standing up quickly and moving towards the wall of ice.

"No point dwelling on that now. We need to get out of here." Tyler said.

I shoved Grey away from me and walked determinedly towards it to pick up where I had left off. Tyler stepped in front of, blocking my path.

"We need to take care of that first." He nodded towards my dislocated shoulder.

"No time." I answered.

"We're gonna have to make time cause you won't be of much use to anyone like this." He pointed out and I reluctantly agreed.

"Make it quick." I said, and Tyler nodded.

He took my arm in his hands and had Grey hold my shoulder steady as he popped the bone back into its socket. I grunted and flexed my fingers tentatively, there was no more pain already.

"Sorry..." Tyler whispered, looking guilty.

I placed a hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead.

"You only did what had to be done. Thank you." I smiled slightly.

I went to hit the wall again only to be stopped by Tyler again.

"Your still injured, let me do it." He said, taking my hand and creating a thin layer of ice over my bleeding joints.

I backed away to give him room to do what he needed to do. He placed his hands on either side of the dent I had created and closed his eyes. His hands started glowing, the ground shook and a crack slowly formed in the ice. A few more minutes when by before there was a loud crack and a hole big enough for us the walk through formed in the ice.

We started running out of the cave when Grey shouted after us.


"What?!" I shouted back.

He ran over to me, took my hand in his, brushed the remaining ice off of my knuckles and licked right across them. I yanked my hand away, wiping it against my pants.

"Eww, what the fuck Grey?!" I yelled.

"My saliva can speed up your healing process... now go, good luck." He explained.

I glared at him for a second before deciding there were some much more important things to do. We started running again in the direction we had last seen Blake in.

We dodged through the trees as fast as we could, judging that flying would be too risky since the shooter would be able to spot us but not us, him. We eventually reached a hole in the foliage that gave on a patch of ground that looked as if something had crashed down onto it and skidded into a tree. Something like Blake.

There was the smell of blood at the foot of the tree, Blake's blood, as well as some drag marks on a short distance leading g away from the tree before they abruptly stopped and disappeared completely.

"This is where he landed, but where did he go from there?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know... let's look for tracks of a sent trail. God! We should have at least marked him as soon as we found him!" I shouted.

"It's too late for that now, plus you know that we can't do it if he is not consenting, it wouldn't have been right." He answered.

"I know..."

We started searching the dirt for any signs of someone else being here or which direction they could have gone in. After looking for a solid twenty minutes, we came up completely empty. There where no foot prints, no blood trails and no sent whatsoever, not even Blake's usual smell.

"It's as if they just vanished!!" I said, exasperated.

"But that's impossible! There is so much blood here that it should be obvious where they went!" Tyler shouted back.

"Oh my god! What if he bleeds out? Look at all the blood here! He was obviously badly wounded..." He panicked.

"He won't." I answered.

"How do you know?! For all we know he could already be dead!"

"He's not. They need him alive just like they needed both of us alive when they first caught us. Plus, if there is no blood trail it means that whoever took him patched up his wounds before leaving."

"... Yeah... I guess your right... but we have to find him as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I agree and we will. I promise."

We finally decided that Tyler, Grey and I would spread out and search the forest with our magic to cover more ground quicker.

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