Chapter 8

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I woke up surrounded in warmth, I had never slept so well in my life. I cuddled into the mattress sighing, the mattress chuckling softly before settling down. A hand ran through my hair gently and my eyes flew open as I sat up straight.

I looked around for a few seconds until it finally dawned on me where I was. Seth and Tyler where both still laying down on both sides of me, Seth on his back and Tyler on his side with his head propped up on his arm, both looking up at me. I blushed, glancing over at Grey who was sitting near the water hole, cleaning his face.

"You know, we finally have a moment to relax. Grey said the humans seem to have moved on... There is no rush to leave... Why don't you lay back down?" Tyler explained.

I looked back at the two smiling men and I had to admit, it was extremely tempting.

"We should probably get moving in case the army doubles back, there not stupid they will notice eventually." I answered.

"It's your loss..." Seth said.

I gave him a quizzical look just as he started leaning over toward Tyler. One of his hands slid up Tyler's arm and to his neck. He cupped the back of Tyler neck to pull his forward, their lips soon locking in a heated kiss.

My eyes went wide, my mouth suddenly feeling dry. I watched trans fixed by the scene in front of me and suddenly, my boxers started feeling too tight. I turned away quickly, covering my lap with one of the skins we had been using to sleep.

"Enough! Your stinking up the place. I'll have you know we are in a closed room and your with a werewolf." Grey shouted.

Seth chuckled, grinning at him smugly as he released Tyler. My blush deepened as I slowly caught on to what Grey saw implying. Tyler draped and arm over my shoulder and kissed the side of my neck, his chest pressing against my back.

"Don't worry about it, it's a natural reaction." He whispered, his hand slowly creeping up my waist.

"Tyler!" Grey growled.

He pulled away from me, standing and starting to pick up the furs we had used last night dragging them back to the center of the room.

Seth also got up before holding out a hand to help me up. I took it gratefully only to be yanked up and into Seth's chest where he wrapped his arms around my waist, covering my lips with his. I gasped in surprise, giving him the opportunity to sneak his tongue into my mouth. Sparks where flying through my body, pulling a moan from my throat.

In the next moment, shit hit the fan. Grey shoved us apart, making me stumble backwards and fall spraining my wrist as I attempted to catch myself. Seth's eyes started glowing and his wings spread to their full length, he grabbed Grey by the throat to slam his against the nearest wall. Tyler ran over to stand between me and the two guys in a defensive position.

"I told you never to touch my mate again!" He shouted in Grey's quickly reddening face.

Grey clawed at Seth's hand, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to speak but nothing came out. I shot to my feet, intent on stopping Seth from killing him but Tyler held me back.

"What are you doing?! We have to stop him." I shouted.

"No, he deserves what's coming to him for hurting you." Tyler answered.

"It was an accident! We can't kill people for such petty reasons." I said.

Tyler growled, never taking his eyes off of Grey. When I saw that nothing I was saying was getting through to him, I dug my heal into his foot making him yelp and double over. I ran over to Seth, grabbing his hand and yanking as hard as I could but he did not move.

"What are you? A brick wall?!" I mumbled.

"Let go of him Seth." I said, keeping a hold of his arm.

He didn't even twitch as I spoke, just continuing to choke the life out of Grey. I glanced at the pinned man, his lips were starting to turn blue.

"Seth! Stop before I have to do something I'll regret!" I shouted only to be once again ignored.

Tyler recovered from the hit I had given him but luckily, he seemed to have snapped out of his enrage state as well. He ran towards us, barreling into Seth and knocking them both to the ground.

Grey gasped for air, rubbing at his neck while Tyler struggled to keep Seth away from him. Tyler was telling Seth to stop and calm down, trying to coax him into leaving the room to cool off but he was having none of it. It was almost as if Seth was possessed,  as though he had turned into a wild animal on a rampage not recognizing anyone or anything around him and frankly, he was kinda scaring me.

I walked up to them and, without thinking, smacked Seth across the face. He covered his cheek with his hand, going completely still, staring at me with a shocked look.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shouted and then turned away from him.

I practically ran away from them, shoving the bolder that blocked the door out of my way with a strength I did not know I possessed as it went flying across the room. I sprinted down the dark hall, my eyes adjusting quickly to the darkness and allowing me to see every little pebble along the way and avoid tripping on them.

A burst through the illusion barrier just as I heard Seth start calling out my name and running after me. I didn't stop, I needed to be alone right now to try making sence out of all these emotions twirling through my brain right now. I was mad and scared even though I knew I had no right to be... I barely knew both Tyler and Seth and I knew nothing about this mate bond we shared but I couldn't help it.

I finally made it out of the cave and turned the corner only to come face to face with the barrel of a gun. My breath hitched and my body tensed. I looked passed the weapon and saw that ther was only one man there. He was wearing a camouflage suit, had two guns strapped to his waist as well as an empty holster on his left thigh and a long sniper rifle across his back.

I had to get him away from the cave before Seth came out and got caught with me or gave away the location of the other two guys. My body suddenly started buzzing with energy, growing oddly cold to the point where my breath came out in small puffs of smoke. For the first time in a while, Dirk spoke in my head.

"I froze the entrance, it should keep our mates busy or a little while." He told me.

With that in mind, I spread my wings and launched off the ground.

"Oh no you don't!" The man said.

I looked back at him, he had holstered his hand gun in favor of his rifle. I flew left as fast as I could before I heard the gun shots. There was five shots in total, pain erupted in the base of my left wing first causing the next shot to miss me as I wobbled in the air and started falling, my wing going limp. The next three shots hit my knees and the base of my right wing, leaving me to plummet to the ground with nothing to help slow my fall.

I hit the ground, skidding to a halt a few meters farther against the trunk of a tree. I could feel blood trailing down my face and both my wings and knees were obviously broken and useless but at least I had managed to lure the man a good distance away from the cave.

The man came crashing through the trees a few minutes later, I had started dragging myself across the ground after pulling myself together a bit towards a big bush I had wanted to hide in. He quickly caught up with me and stepped on my leg drawing a cry from me.

"They said you wouldn't die no matter where or how many times I shot you... shall we test it out?" He asked, leveling his rifle at the back of my head.

Before I had the chance to answer, there was a loud bang followed by a horrible pain and everything went dark.

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