Chapter 24

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Tyler's pov

I spent all night and the betyer part of the next day waiting for Seth to wake up. It shouldn't be taking so long now that his injuries where healed. He should have woken up within two to three hours. I didn't know what to do to help him. He would occasionaly mumbel or twitch in his sleep but showed no other signs of life.

Grey had taken off at some point. Saying he was gonna go look for any clues as to where Blake had been taken. He promised to be back before nightfall. I refused to leave Seth's side but was extremly gratfull for Grey's help in starting the search for my other missing mate. As soon as Seth was back on his feet, we would do the same. I sat there for what felt like an eternity, holding his hand in mine

The sun was just about to set when Seth gasped, shooting up to a sitting position, looking arround frantically. When his eyes locked on mine, he threw his arms arround my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, crying silently into my shoulder.

"Shhhh, your ok. I'm right here. I got you." I whispered, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." He repeated over and over again.

"For what? You did nothing wrong." I said back, cutting off his rambling.

"I left you there. I abandoned you to a bunch of monsters. They hurt you because of me." He cried, his voice trembling and cracking.

Before I could answer him, there was a rustling in the leaves behind me. I shot up to my feet, standing protectivly in front of Seth with my wings open wide in case I needed to fly Seth and I out of here in a hurry.

"Woah, chill out mama bear. It's just me." Came Grey's voice a second before he stepped out of the trees with his hands held up.

I sighed and folded my wings back in, turning back to Seth who had started mumbling the word stupid to himself. I knealed next to him again, taking his face in my hands and forcing him to look at me, despite his best effort not to.

"Listen to me my love, none of what happened back then was your fault. We could not have predicted the humans turning on us nor could we have stopped them once they had started. What you did, you did out of love for me and you have no idea how touched I was when you did. You sacrificed yourself in hopes of saving me. You could not have known the treacherous nature of the humans who once worshipped us. I love you so much. I don't blame you in the slightest for what they did to me and neither should you." I kissed him once I was done talking.

At first, he resisted, truing to pull away from me but I did not let him and soon enough he was returning the kiss with burning hot passion. He melted against me, wrapping his arms around me, his hands fisting against my back. After a few seconds, Grey cleared his throat, making his presence known again. I pulled away from Seth who collapsed against me, refusing to let go. I ran my fingers through his hair as I looked up at Grey.

"He needs to rest. We will start looking for Blake again tomorrow." I told Grey.

Seth tensed against me and gasped. Shooting up and looking around frantically again. I got up beside him and just barely managed to grab a hold of his arm as he made to run off into the forest.

"We have to find Blake! We don't have the time to rest, who knows what they are doing to him right now. I can't let this happen again!" He shouted, tugging at my hand.

"I know baby, but you have to rest. You almost died. You won't be any help to him if you are too worn out to fight." I explained.

"Then you guys go! Leave me here and got save Blake and come back to get me after." He pleaded.

"I can't do that! Your my mate to if something where to happen to you because I left you here alone and defenceless... It would kill me and that would in turn kill Blake, we would not be helping him. Just rest for tonight and we will go find him first thing in the morning tomorrow, I promise."

"But what if it's too late by then and they have already hurt him or worse... killed him..." Tears started running down his cheeks once more.

"They won't be able to kill him that easily. He is strong, he will be ok. For all we know he has already escaped his captors and is on his way back here as we speak. He will understand and he will be ok."

I could tell Seth wanted to argue some more but exhaustion was starting to win him over. He glanced at the trees before finally relenting and following me back to the middle of the clearing where our burnt out fire lay. Grey left to get more wood for it and started a new fire. He managed to catch two rabbits which we cooked and split into three. Seth was already sleeping leaning against my side by the time they where ready. It broke my heart to have to wake him up so soon but he had to eat to get his strength back for tomorrow. We needed him at full power, or as close to it as we could get him.

We ate quickly and in silence. Grey offered to take the first watch of the night and I would take the second half, but we both agreed that we would let Seth sleep through the night. I cuddled up next to Seth for body warmth as the fire did not provide enough heat to chance away the chill of the night. Seth fell asleep almost instantly. It took me a little more time to join him, but eventually I followed suite.

I switched guard with Grey halfway through the night, staying close to Seth as he continued sleeping and luckily, nothing happened while we rested.

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