Chapter 40

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We carefully maneuvered through the woods, Tyler carrying Seth bridal style, Grey with Caleb slung over his shoulder and me my surprisingly heavy wings. They had been tied carefully into as much of a closed position as possible to make them more compact.

We where making good progress and at mid day, we decided to stop for a short break. Tyler tried to set Seth on the ground without waking him, but it didn't work.

"What's going on? Where are we?" Seth asked.

"We had to start moving again. There's a tracker on Blake, we have to get it out. We didn't want to wake you up cuz you looked so tired so I offered to carry you, being the only one here strong enough to do so without shifting." Tyler explained to him.

We handed out some of the water reserves we had, rationing it so that we had enough for a few days while still giving some to everyone. Next, they past out the cooked meat. We ate in silence. When came the time for us to get moving again, Seth offered to carry my wings for me but I refused.

"I was thinking... Maybe we should split up. I'm the one with a tracker, if you you all go one way and I go another they will have no way of finding you guys again. I can find someone to remove the tracker and then we can meet up again when it's safe." I suggested.

"No fucking way!" Both Tyler and Seth exclaimed at the same time.

"They will try to pull something sooner or later. Me being here puts you all at risk." I said.

"We will not be separated from you again." Seth stated.

"Like I said earlier, I can safely neutralize the tracker. You need me." Caleb added.

I frowned at him and he shrugged, looking away. I smiled at Tyler and Seth.

"I just meant that Grey and the others should separate, if you want to come with me I would greatly appreciate the company." I said.

"Oh thank god. I thought you where going to go on some sort of suicide mission just to keep us safe. Now that we have found you after all this time, we could never live without you again." Tyler said.

I felt myself blushing and I wanted to run to them and hug them, but I held back.

"I know I could not stop you both even if I tried. Plus I kind of want to get to know you two better." I answered.

They smiled back at me and just like that, we separated from the others, bringing Caleb along as we started searching for civilization. About half an hour later, Caleb started talking again.

"I, um... have something in my pocket that might be useful right about now..." He trailed off.

"Yeah? And what would that be?" Tyler asked dryly.

"It's the master control for Blake's equipment. I stole it the night you guys came to save him. When I saw Maya with you I immediately knew you where coming to get him so I stole it to make it easier for you to escape. I hadn't planed on you taking me with you but..." He started rambling.

Seth dropped him on the ground none too gently, cutting him off. He started rummaging through Caleb's pockets until he finally pulled out a device about the size of his hand. It was square and folded in half. There was a keyboard on one half and a screen on the other inside. 

"What does it do? How do you use it?" Seth questioned.

"It can temporarily deactivate the tracker depending on how much battery it has left. As for using it, it's complicated, you're going to have to untie me." Caleb answered.

"And why didn't you mention this sooner?" Tyler seethed.

"I was gagged..." Caleb answered.

"There is no way we are untying you. You are one of the people who took and hurt our mate. Plus, he doesn't seem to trust you." Seth said.

"Look, I know he doesn't trust me, that's Kyle's fault by the way, but I really do want to help you, Just let me prove that you can trust me. You don't even have to fully untie me, just my hands will be enough and then you can tie me up again right after I'm done." Caleb negotiated.

The two boys looked back at me as to what to do. I stared at Caleb for a few seconds before nodding at them. Seth quickly untied Caleb's hands, leaving his feet tied. He handed Caleb the device. Caleb quickly turned it on, Tyler hovering over his shoulder looking for any suspicious activity.

"It's at thirty percent battery, meaning we will have three hours completely off the grid when we most need it. We can use it to avoid getting caught if they get too close."Caleb explained.

"Or... We can use it to hide our location while we reattach Blake's wings. Then we can escape even faster by flying." Seth offered.

"You can do that?! That's awesome!" Caleb shouted.

Seth grabbed the device back from Caleb, closed it and tied his hands again.

"I saw a waterfall while we where searching for you. If I'm not wrong, it shouldn't be too far from here. We can have some kind of cover with the sound of the water." Seth explained.

"What is the sound of water going to cover us from?" I asked.

Seth and Tyler glanced at each other. Tyler took a step forward.

"The process of reattaching your wings will hurt like hell. The water will cover... your screams." Tyler said gently.

"Oh..." Was all I could come up with.

We started walking, backtracking slightly so we could find the stream again and eventually, the waterfall. Time seemed to fly for the first time in a long time as we got closer to the waterfall. Caleb was eventually untied so he could deactivate the tracker to hide our final destination. We came out in a small clearing with the waterfall running through its center. Seth decided to go see if there might be a cave behind the waterfall.

"Lucky us, there's a nice cave behind there. We will be well hidden." Seth stated as he came back.

He got out of the water and approached me.

"I will make it as quick and painless as possible, I promise." He said, holding out a hand for me to take.

I took a deep breath, steeled my resolve and took his hand.

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