Chapter 43

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Blake's pov.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was pinned to the cave floor, a warm weight covering most of my body. I tried to wiggle out from underneath it, but it was too heavy. It came crashing back to me what had happened, and mynheart sank. Was Seth ok? He covered me when the rocks fell, while I had passed out like some idiot.

"Seth?..." I asked, but got no answer.

"Seth, wake up! Say something!" I continued, nudging him slightly with my elbow.

There was a groan and he finally started moving a little.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"No idea. Are you hurt?" I returned.

"Just a little sore. Nothing too serious... I think. Let me just... get us out of these rocks."

He started squirming around until his hands where on either side of my head and his legs next to mine. He grunted, pushing himself off of me, keeping his body between me and the rocks above us.

"Don't push yourself." I said.

"This is nothing." He gritted out, giving one last push that caused the rocks to go tumbling off of us to the ground below.

We craweled out of the rubble and I looked Seth over. He had a few cuts and bruses starting to form, but nothing major. We looking up at where we had fallen from, but the hole had been bloked off by rocks.

"Can you walk?" Seth asked me.

"Yeah, I'm good." I answered, accepting his outstreched hand and letting him pull me to my feet.

"The only way to go is in that tunel." Seth pointed to a small crevace in the wall to our left.

I nodded and we started walking. Seth summoned a ball of flames to light our way as we advanced deeper and deeper into the tunel. It widened then became very narrow again, forcing us to crowch or walk sideways in order to squeeze through.

We finally saw light shining through a crack in front of us. We moved faster until we finally emerged into the light. We where standing in another very small cave. Outside the cave was a dense forest with the sound of a swift moving river invading the cave.
We exited the cave, following the sound until we found it snaking through the trees.

"If we follow this river south it should lead us back to the waterfall where we left Tyler." Seth explained.

"We should fly, we would get there faster." I said.

"Your wings will still be soar, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can take it." I answered.

He nodded, his wings unfolding behind him. He took off at an amazing speed, dissapearing beyond the tree tops. I stretched my wings out and started flaping them. Slight pain shot through my back as I started flapping them faster and lifting off the ground. I broke free of the trees, the pain slowly faded to a minor discomfort. Seth was waiting for me a few meters above the forest. I joined him quickly.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine, I can do it." I reasured him.

We started flying south, the sound of rushing water growing in intensity very quickly as we where not very far from our starting point. When we arrived, the hole landscape had completly changed. The waterfall had colapsed, leaving only a slight decline of stone with water running over it where once stood the waterfall.

We flew down and landed in the clearing. We soon noticed that Tyler was nowhere in sight and the ropes that once held Caleb against the tree where laying useless next to it.

"Tyler?!" I shouted, hoping to see him pop out of the tree line or something.

We search the ground for any sign of what might have happened when a loud splashing sound resounded from the river folled by a huge gulp of air and panting. I looked over to the water, swiming in the center near the new pile of rocks was Caleb.

"Caleb! Where is Tyler?!" I aksed.

He spun arround quickly, his eyes widening as he saw us.

"I thought you where dead! The clift colapsed. Tyler is stuck somewhere under there. I've been trying to find him ever since it fell." He asnwered between gasps.

My jaw dropped and tbe blood drained from my face.

"What?! What was he doing in the water?!" I shouted back, panicking.

"That does not matter right now. We have to find him first, we can ask those questions later." Seth stated.

"Right, yes. Let's go find him." I agreed.

We quickly entered the freezing cold water, diving down to the bottom. We started moving rocks away from the pile in an attempt to see what was beneeth them. Caleb and I had to resurface often to catch our breaths while Seth beraly ever had to leave the bottom of the river.

We continued working for about twenty minutes without much results. Suddently, a blue light started glowing faintly through the rocks. It slowly grew brighter and brighter whem Seth let out a muffled shout through the water. I glanced over to see him waving his hands frantically for us to back away from it.

I swam backwards until Seth grabbed both me and Caleb before swiming away as fast as he could. Within seconds we had swam twenty meters down the river. There was an explosion below the rocks, sending them flying through the water and above it. A shadow darted out from amoung the falling stones, straight towards us.

It slamed directly into us, shoving Caled aside and knocking the air out of me and Seth. Tyler was crushing us in the strongest hug I had ever felt. We hugged him back and Seth swam us back up to the surface as I was running out of air fast. Caleb emerged a few feet away from us.

"I thought I had lost the both of you! I'm so glad your both ok." Tyler sobbed.

"We are glad your ok too. What where you doing in the water so close to the waterfall?" I asked.

"I was going to check up on you two." He explained.

We walked out of the water and desided to make a fire to help dry our clothes once everyone had calmed down from their emothions and spent the night in the clearing as the sun was already setting by the time everything was said and done.

Hey guys,
Sorry it took me so long to update again. I am having problems with my wattpad where it crashes after being open for more than five minutes, which means it is taking me a long time to get anything done as I only have 5 minutes to work on my book before I have to restart the app every time. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I have already tried deleating and reinstaling the app and it did not fix it.
Hope you enjoy the chapter and again sorry for the long wait.

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