Chapter 26

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Blake's pov

"Blake..." A voice whispered.

I tried to figure out where it came from, but all I could see was darkness.

"Wake up..." It came again, a little louder this time.

Suddently, my hole body felt like it was rocking, there was a flash of white light and static in my ears. It got louder and louder until I was roughly pulled back into reality, sitting up straight and almost bashing Sammy in the face as he was leaning over me.

"Jesus Christ!" Sammy shouted, backing away.

"Sorry..." I said, trying to get my breathing under control.

"You always try to headbutt people when they wake you up?" Sammy asked.

There was a chuckle that drew my attention tp the door for a second, only to see Kyle standing there.

"Only those whove bashed my face into a wall before." I answered.

"Right... Anyway, time to go." Sammy said, straightning himself back up.

I stood up slowly, taking my time to stretch. I twisted my body left and right, making my back pop. Sammy started tapping his fingers nervously against the wall near the door.

"You in a rush?" I asked.

"Not particularly." He answered.

I frowned at him, but he just turned around and walked around the corner. I looked at Kyle with an eyebrowraised.

"Don't mind him, he just takes his job a little too seriously at times." He explained.

"Uh-huh." I muttered, not very convinced.

"Shall we?" He asked, motioning down the hall.

I exited my cell and started walking when Sammy stopped me half way down the hall.

"Your hands." He said simply.

"What about them?" I asked.

"We have to cuff you."



"Fine." I put my hands behind my back and felt the cold mettle wrap around my wrists and snap close.

"How is your eyes by the way?" Kyle asked.

"Still can't see out of it." I answered.

He walked over and shined a light into it before sighing and moving away again. We continued walking the oddly identical all white halls until we reached the double doors to the lab, except this time we walked right past them.

"Um... where are we going?" I asked.

"To a different test station." Sammy stated.

"What for?" I questioned again.

"They want to start a different series of test." He answered.

"What kind of tests?"

"Just some physical tests Blake." Kyle interjected.

We finally reached another set of double doors which Kyle scanned his thumb to open. It was a huge gym like room with a very high ceilling, but still no windows whatsoever. There was on the other hand observation room behind what seemed to be bullet proof glass. There, the scientists where sitting with clipboards and pens in their hands.

Once the doors had closed again behind us, Sammy freed me of the cuffs. He walked back to stand next to the doors in perfect soldier form. I shook my head at him and turned back to Kyle.

"So, first we just want to see you flying. Just fly to the wall over there and back." He said.

"Ok..." I trailed off.

I spread my wings and started beating them slowly. I was still new at this and had not flown in a while. I rose off the ground gradually and once I had a good hight, I flew across the room at a moderate pace. All eyes where glewed to me, making goosebumps rise on my skin.

I flew back to Kyle and managed to land somewhat gracefully. All the scientists started taking note simultaneously, making the situation so much creepier than it already was.

"Great, now can you fly as fast as you can to the wall and back?" Kyle asked.

I lifted off the ground again and dashed as fast as my newbie self  could to and from the wall, crashing to the floor as I came back to him.

"Oh my God, are you Ok?" Kyle rushed to my side, trying to help me up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I waved him off, getting to my feet again.

"Ok... Um, can you hover in place?" He asked.

I did so, hovering right in front of him for a few minutes. Next, he had me fly in as tight a circle as I could and perform multiple other figures to test my agility in flight. Then, they threw objects at me to test maneuverability and finally, they shot at me with paintball guns to test dodging speed.

"Ok! That's enough! You shot at me with paintball guns! That fucking hurts!" I shouted.

"I know and I'm really sorry, but they where the only thing that shoots fast enough to test you that isn't a lethal weapon that we had on the base." He said.

I stared at him, wide eyed. He figited under my gaze and turned his head away from me.

"Maybe this is enough for now." He said.

The scientists in the viewing booths started shouting their protests to his statement, clearly wanting to gather more data on me.

"Yes, I'm done." I said.

"Ok, let's get you back to your cell." He motioned to his brother who promptly made his way back over to us, handcuffs in hand.

"Do I really have to be cuffed?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's protocol and my boss would fire me in seconds if I broke this one." He explained.

I sighed but put my hands behind my back none the less. Sammy cuffed me quickly and guided me towards the door. Kyle opened it again and we walked out. We made our way down countless halls again. I looked around for any possible hints of an exit but everything was identicle and unidentifiable.

We got back to my cell sooner then anticipated. I was offered a shower before I went in for the night, which I gratefully accepted. After my refreshing but sadly short shower, I went back into my cell. The door was shut and soon enough, a tray of food was slid into my prison. I ate quickly and decided to take a nap for what I assumed was the rest of the afternoon.

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