Chapter 4

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Every now and then as we walked, I would have to stretch out my wings to alleviate the cramps holding them against my back caused.

"I know it's uncomfortable but this is the best and fastest way for you to get used to your wings and strengthen them." Seth explained.

I gave him a small slime before stretching out my wings yet again. We continued walking for a long while when we started hearing shouting in the distance, slowly getting louder.

"Shit, looks like they found our trace. Their covering more ground than we are. We need to move faster." Seth said.

"We need to fly." Tyler said.

"Blake just got his wings, there is no way they are strong enough to carry him plus, we ourselves haven't flown haven't flown for years before today so it's not like one of us can carry him very far." Seth protested.

"Humans adapt remarkably fast, maybe his body has already gotten used to them. Plus, he has four shifts, which is pretty abnormal in itself, but makes him stronger then normal." Tyler explained.

Seth looked at me with uncertainty clear in his eyes but he said nothing. The shouts were getting dangerously close.

"I wanna try." I said.

"We need to find a clearing first." Tyler said with a broad smile.

"Ok... let's go." Seth agreed.

We started running as fast as we could, which was much faster then what I am usually capable of, looking left and right for a clearing in the trees. It only took a few minutes before Tyler spotted a thinning in the trees to our right.

"Over there! It should be wide enough for all of us." He shouted.

We ran to the clearing and burst out of the trees where I suddenly and stupidly ran into a tree branch that I had failed to see coming due to the speed we were running at. It hit me right in the nose and snapped my head back, knocking me off my feet. I slid across the ground for a few feet on my back before coming to a stop in the clearing.

I grunted and reached up to touch my nose gently and my hand came away bloody. Tyler and Seth ran up to me and helped me sit up.

"You ok? You hit that branch pretty frickin hard but, to be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner given that this is your first time using your new abilities." Tyler explained.

"Yeah I'm..." I trailed off into a shout as a sharp crack was heard and a jolt of pain radiated through my head again.

"Hmm, yeah, no surprise your nose is broken. You did break the branche with your face after all. But not to worry! Now that you had your first shift, it will heal in no time flat." Seth said.

"On the other hand... their getting closer, we should really go." Tyler informed us before pulling me to my feet.

Once the pain faded, I wiped my hands under my nose a few times to clear the blood and it had indeed stopped bleeding. I pressed on my nose and it felt perfectly fine, as if nothing had happened.

"So, Seth will go fisrt so that you can see how he does it, then you will go and I will be last." Tyler said.

Seth pulled off his thin gray t-shirt that I just now noticed had blood stains and a few holes in it, just like his equally gray pants. He also had some new scars on his body that hadn't been there before.

"What happened to you guys? What did they do to you?" I gasped.

"We will tell you later, promise. For now we really gotta go." Seth said.

He spread his wings out and took a second to stretch them before flapping them slowly, allowing me to clearly see the movement he was making. He slowly started speeding up until the motion created a strong gusts of wind every time they moved and eventually, he started to lift off the ground. Suddenly he zoomed up and started making circles above the clearing.

"Your turn now Blake." Tyler encouraged me.

I took a deep breath and removed my shirt and Tyler gasped.

"What? What wrong?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"N... no... it's n... nothing... never mind." He rushed out.

I frowned and turned back around. I spread out my wings and started trying to replicate the movement Seth had made. I increased the speed of the motion gradually until my feet lifted off the ground a little. I hovered for a second before falling back to the ground when I fumbled in my movements. I repeated the process a few times until my flight became more stable and I felt more confident to fly higher.

"Shit where running out of time! We have to go now Blake!" Tyler shouted, ripping off his ratty shirt and unfolding his wings.

I started beating my wings faster and harder until I reached Seth's height. Tyler joined us soon after and I saw that he too had new scars all over his body.

"Let's get out of here. If anything happens me and Tyler will be here to help you so just do what feels natural." Seth said and started flying away.

I flew after him, Tyler following close behind me and the shouts of out pursuers fading in the distance again. At first, I was flying very slowly but as I got more used to the feeling of flying, I started speeding up until I was zooming above the forest, wind forcing my hair backwards on my head. It was awfully fun to fly. I started laughing and flying in loops and zigzags as fast as I could until suddenly, my movement fumbled again and I started falling.

I panicked and tried to right myself but nothing was working. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact of the trees when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and stopped my fall.

"I got you, don't worry. Here, just take a deep breath and concentrate on moving your wings properly. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon enough." Tyler said, his breath fanning against the back of my neck.

I did as he said and soon enough, I was back to flying on my own again. We spread out a little over the forest in order to look for a safe place to hide for a while and continued flying.

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