Chapter 7

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His hand popped back out of the wall, waiting expectantly for one of us to take. I hesitated for a second before reaching out to take it. Seth grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"I'll go first, make sure it's safe." He said and released my hand.

He determinedly stepped forward and through the wall. A few seconds later, he reached back out to us signaling everything was fine. Tyler nodded at me and motioned for me to go fist. I took Seth's hand and he pulled me through.

On the other side, there was a long dark tunnel lit only by two torches at the beginning where we were standing and two at the far end , standing as two barely visible dots of light in the distance.

Tyler soon joined or little group and we grabbed the torches to light our way as we ran as quickly as possible.

"Why do you keep torches here? Your a werewolf, you can see in the dark." Seth asked.

"Because, like I said earlier, I like to  be ready for anything you never know when you might need some torches." Grey answered.

When we reached the other end, Seth and I grabbed the two remaining torches and stepped out into a large round room.

"Put the torches in the supports around the room, then we will seal the door." Grey explained.

We did just that and then Grey told us we had to push a huge bolder in front of the door and not to worry about the sound since the illusion barrier was also sound proof.

We managed to get the rock sliding across the ground rather easily to my surprise and soon enough, the entrance was blocked.

The room had a tall pile of pelts in the center, two dead dear to the left and a small pool of water to the right that was continuously filled by a trickle of water that cascaded down the wall. There was a slight draft of wind swirling through the cave.

"You can use the pelts to make beds. We will be spending the night here." Grey said.

"That's not the only exit, is it?" I asked, pointing to the blocked door.

"Indeed it is not. I have yet another hidden passage. It's kinda small but it lead straight outside on the other side of the mountain just in case." Grey answered.

"Wow... your really prepared huh..." Seth stated.

"Yeah... guess you could say I'm a tad bit paranoid." Grey said.

"Hmmm." Seth hummed.

We each gathered a few pelts and layed them on the ground. I picked my spot to the right as Grey placed his across from the door. To my surprise, Seth and Tyler placed their pelts on either side of mine, making a single large bed next to the water. I blushed slightly and Tyler pulled me into a hug from behind.

"Best get used to it love, now that you are aware of what we are to each other we are never letting you go." He whispered in my ear before kissing the curve of my neck.

A shiver ran down my spine as his warm lips lingered on my skin for a few seconds. He pulled away, chuckling, we turned around and Grey was staring at us. I blushed even more and instinctively buried my face in Tyler's shoulder.

"Your making my mate uncomfortable." Tyler growled, his body tensing.

"S...Sorry, it's just that... I thought you and Seth where mates..." He stuttered.

"We are." Seth jumped in, walking over to place an arm around both me and Tyler.

I peeked back at Grey and he seemed completely shocked. His eyes shifted between the three of us for a minute, shaking his head to regain his composure.

"So... The three of you huh?" He almost whispered.

"Yes, you got a problem with that?" Seth questioned.

"No... none at all, I just... never would have guessed, you both seemed so happy together back in the days." Grey hesitated.

"Not that we would tell you but we where always missing something until we met Blake." Seth said.

There was an awkward silence until Grey made his way to one of the dears while Seth went to drink some water and Tyler worked on making the bed more comfortable with more pelts. He pulled it over to his bed, claws extended from his fingers and he started cutting into the dear. I was expecting blood to poor out of it but it only made a small puddle under the carcass. Grey glanced up and caught me staring, he smiled softly and looked back to what he was doing.

"I drain the blood from the preys I catch before I bring them in here. Wouldn't want to make a mess." Grey explained.

"Oh, that's smart." I said.

Silence envelopped us again and I looked around for something to do when Tyler pulled me backwards by my wrist onto the bed. He pushed me down so I was lying on my back.

"Is it comfortable?" He asked.

For a pile of animal pelts it was surprisingly soft, plus the fur made it just warm enough to make me want to cuddle into them and fall asleep despite my empty stomach.

"Yeah, it's perfect." I said.

Tyler smiled and ruffled my hair. He layed down next to me on his side, pulling me into his chest with an arm around my waist. I noticed Seth make his way over to Grey and silently sit next to him before using his fire power to cook the meat Grey cut off of the dear.

I was just about to doze off to sleep when Grey told us that the meat was all done and ready to eat. Tyler and I joined the two of them around the pile of cooked meat they had played out on the fresh dear pelt and we started eating. It was silent for the entire meal and soon enough, we were snuffing out all the torches except for one as we were going to take turns keeping watch throughout the night just in case we were found. Grey was taking the first shift and I soon found myself sandwiched between two strong muscular chest and drifting off to sleep.

Mates... It was gonna take some getting used to but so far... I really liked it.

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