Chapter 44

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Sooo.... It did it again. Just a few days after I had my tablet fixed it died again. So I bought a new one. Luckily I was able to backup all my data from my old tablet and now I managed to finish the chapter I have been working on for so long now. So here it is! Hope you guys enjoy and there should not be any more problems now.


The next morning, I woke up at the crack of dawn. I was the first one up between the three guys. I stretched out my wings, taking a minute to admire them at their full length before folding them back up. I focused on making them dissapear into my back once again, making the joints conecting them to my back crack loundly. I muffled a groan, but Seth still stured in his sleep, his eyes flutering open slowly.

"That crack could be heard for miles. Are you ok?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Somehow better now that I have them back. You know, it's strange how much I missed them dispite being so new to me." I whispered.

"They are a part of you now. Just like an arm or a leg." Seth answered.

"Hmmm..." I hummed.

"Does your back hurt?" Tyler chimed in.

"Huh? Oh, not much really." I stated.

"Comme here." Tyler motioned to the spot between he and Seth where I had been sleeping before.

I scooted back as Tyler sat up. His warm hands landed on my shoulders and he started massaging my tense muscles. Shivers ran down my spine as he expertly worked out the knots in my back. I sighed in relief, closing my eyes and letting my head fall to my chest.

"Your really good at this." I breathed.

"Thanks, I learnt from experience. Whish SOMEONE could have done the same for me after he reattached my wings." Tyler said.

"Sorry..." Seth looked away guiltily.

"I'm just teasing you. We didn't really have time with how fast it all happened." Tyler answered.

"As cute as this moment is right now, we should get moving as soon as possible." Blake's voice cut in from across the clearing.

"We have some left over food from last night. Let's eat and get going." He added.

We passed the food out and ate quickly in silence, the situation bearing down on us once more. We packed up and cleaned up and started trekking through the woods once more. We followed Blake's direction towards the town he said his friend that could help us resided. The progress was slower then if we were flying but we had come to the conclusion that we should save our energy in case of an emergency, especially given that one of us would have to carry Blake all the way.

We stopped at the foot of a huge oak tree once lunch time came arround. Seth hunted and cooked a rabbit for us to eat before we started walking again.

"Ouch!" Blake shouted as he tripped on yet another tree root and fell over.

"Oh for fuck's sake..." Seth hissed, helping him to his feet once again.

"Sorry... I'm a rather clumsy person." Blake apologized.

"I can see that." Seth gave him a once over before walking on ahead.

"You ok?" I asked walking up to Blake's side.

"Yeah... just need to keep a closer look on where I'm walking." He said.

"I would say sorry for the way Seth is acting, but I'm sure you understand why he is reacting that way." I explained.

"Oh yeah. I don't blame him. I did help them hurt you after all." He answered.

"Yeah. Even though you did help me escape, they are still wary." I had barely finished talking when Tyler pushed his way between us.

"Your too close." He glared at Blake.

Blake raised his hands and fell back to walk behind the group. Tyler interlaced our figures, pulling me to walk a little faster until we caught up with Seth who laced his fingers with my other hand. I sighed at the clear message they where sending Blake, but it did help me feel safer so I squeezed their hands back.

We took another break in the afternoon after Blake face planted once again and got a bloody nose. We gathered leaves to use as kleenex to try and stop the bleeding. It finally stopped after almost thirty minutes. Tyler flew away for a few minutes and managed to locate some water somewhere nearby and brought some back so that Blake could clean his face from the blood coating the lower half of it.

Later that afternoon, the forest arround us had become awfully quiet. I could feel the boys at my side tensing up and Blake following us much closer then before. A chill crept down my spin, a cold sweat forming on my brow. Just as I opened my mouth to voice what everyone was feeling, Seth stopped dead in his tracks pulling us all to a stop. Blake ran into my back before quietly apologizing, but not moving away.

"Someone's there." Seth stated.

I looked arround at the forest, but could not see anything out of the ordinary. Although I could tell something dangerous was lurking about, I could not see the source of my discomfort.

"Show yourself!" Tyler shouted, taking a slight step in front of me.

He was met with only silence. That is until a flash of red twinkled amongst the leaves. Seth took a step forward to go confront whoever was hiding in the dark, but I stopped him.

"Wait! Look." I pointed down at his chest where a small red dot was located, right over his heart, in fact there was one on each of us.

"I would listen to what he said if I where you." A man's voice erupted from the trees.

A few seconds later, a short frail looking man stepped into view. He was dressed in tight fitting clothes from head to toe and was soon followed by a bunch of ragtag men and women wearing camouflage clothes pointing semiautomatic guns at us. They were not wearing any protective gear as the soldiers we had been running from where, but they could still be hired mercenaries.

"Look what we have here. If my eyes aren't fooling me, you must be from the secret government test lab. Am I right?" The first man asked.

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