Chapter 31

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I clutched my bleeding shoulder, glancing back in the direction I had last seen the other escapes. They where completely gone. Kyle stepped into the circle with his arms crossed.

"You disappointed me Blake. Your leaving me no choice." He said.

"You going to strap me to the bed again?" I retorted.

"Hmm, I really wished you would have stayed in your cell and obeyed me like the good little mutant you are. No, I'm not going to tie you to the bed again, I have something else in store for you."

"So this is who you really are huh?"

"Get him up boys. We're going to room 319." He turned around, starting walking towards the building.

Two of the guards grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I stumbled at first, feeling light headed but managed to regain my footing. I folded my wings against my back to keep them from dragging on the ground. The other men with guns fell in line behind us as we entered the building once again.

"Why did you even bother pretending to be nice?" I asked as I was being practically dragged down the stairs.

"It was easier for us to conduct our tests if you where willing to cooperate. And that thing on your head? It's still in it's developmental stage and has a high probability of causing brain damage, we wanted to keep it's use to a minimum." Kyle answered.

"So it was all just for show."

"I don't even have a brother."

Silence settled between us until we reached the third underground floor.  Kyle started counting up the doors from 300 to 319. He stopped in front of that last one and punched in the code to open it. The room was dark until Kyle walked in. The lights switched on automatically, revealing a big human shaped cage at the center, bolted to the ground and held upright by chains connected to the floor as well.

"What is that?" I asked, stopping in my tracks only for the guards to yank me forward.

"You'll find out in just a minute. Strap him in." He commanded the guards.

 I tried to break out of their grip only for two more guards to come help shove me forward. The contraption opened into two parts, the front and the back. The back had an open space where my wings could fit. It was almost as if this had been made just for me. they forced me into the cage, two of the guards holding down my arm while the others held my legs.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

They closed the back part and locked me in, crushing my wings. My arms where held outstretched to my sides and my legs slightly apart. The lower half of the face was one solid piece of metal that kept me from opening my mouth. The bars where tight against my body, digging into my skin in some places. I growled and tried to move, but the only thing I could move was my hands and they where the only part of me free from the metal bars surrounding my body. Someone started pulling on my wings, passing them through the holes I had seen previously and leaving them to dangle out.

"So... this is going to hurt, but it will be over before you know it." Kyle said, stepping in front of me with a clipboard in hand. 

He started hooking me up to machines monitoring my heart rate, the oxygen levels in my blood and my brain waves. He stuck an IV Into my arm, but closed the line temporarily. He pulled out his phone, making a call to someone.

"Meet me in room 319 right now, we are moving on with the testing." He said before hanging up.

 He started writing things down on his clipboard, glancing at the machines every now and then. After a few minutes, the doors burst open and the same women that had half blinded me appeared pushing a cart full of knives, needles, liquids and even a saw. 

"Had a change of heart Kyle?" She asked.

"He tried to escape, pissed me off. No more waiting, get to work on test Z87." Kyle answered.

"Wow, that bad huh? Are you sure about this? It might kill him, we don't know." She informed him.

"Yeah I'm sure. It'll keep him calm for a while if he survives."

My eyes widened and I started thrashing in the cage, trying to break out but it wasn't giving. I didn't like the sound of this test Z87 or whatever it sounded horrible.

"Alright! Let's get started. Hold them wings open for me boys." The woman ordered.

I tucked them against my back quickly, my instincts where telling me to retract my wings into my back though I didn't remember how to, it just kind of started on it's own. But before they cold fully retract, hands grabbed on to the tips and started pulling. It hurt like hell as they forced my wings back out. I could feel blood trickling down my skin until finally, they where both fully extended again, held in position by two men on each wing. A muffled scream escaped me as I thrashed some more.

"Shhh, don't worry, I'll work as fast as I can." The woman said, taking the saw from her cart and walked behind me.

Her cold bony hand landed at the base of my left wing, soon followed by the sharp teeth of the saw. The heart monitor started beeping faster. Kyle continued checking the machines and writing down on his clipboard. The hands holding my wings tightened even more. I continued struggling again the bars, letting out muffled screams.

"Let's get to then." The woman said.

The saw started moving back and forth with more and more pressure at every stroke. The teeth bit into my flesh. I screamed in agony as it made contact with the thick bone that ran along the top of my wing. Blood pored down my back, pooling at my feet. She continued sawing at my wing until she had completely removed it. I saw the two guards walk out of the room with it, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. My vision blurred and my hearing went fuzzy, fading in and out as the woman's hands moved to my other wing.

"Last but not least..." She trailed off.

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