Chapter 3

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"...Oh my god, what kind of drug did that asshole give me? What kind of fucked up hallucination is this?"

"It's not a hallucination dumb ass." The Demon, Shadow, growled out.

My eyes locked with his blood red ones. He had black hair, slightly tan skin, a pair of curved light grey horns on his head and dark red wings folded against his back.

"What else could this be? I'm talking to a Dragon, a Wolf, a Snake and a Deamon, and... wait, did you call me a Cyton? Where have I heard that before...?" I thought for a second, staring off into space and trying to sort through my memories that where still somewhat foggy.

Then it came back to me, that is what Seth said he and Tyler were when I first met him! He said they were his people! I'm definitely not a Cyton, I'm nothing like Seth and Tyler. I'm just a normal boring archaeologist.

"I'm not Cyton." I said.

"Of course you are! You may lack knowledge but you are no less a Cyton for that." Rex, the blue eyed white wolf, said.

"I'm just a human... why am I even bothering with you all, your not even real. I should just lay down and wait for the drug to pass through my system." I reasoned.

I did exactly that and for a short while, there was nothing but silence, until something climbed onto my chest. I opened my eyes again and was met with the black with silver swirls and golden slitted eyed snake staring at me, inches from my face. I gasped and froze, unsure of what it was doing.

"What, pray tell, are you doing?" It asked.

"I'm waiting for you to disappear and to wake up." I answered.

"Hmm, is that so? Well, I am sorry to inform you that we shall never go away but I can help you wake up if you so wish."


"All it takes is a slight shock to your conscience..."

"What do you..." I started but the snake suddenly lunged at me, aiming for my neck.

I jerked sideways to try and avoid it but found myself jumping awake instead. I glanced around me and was greeted by Tyler's face, looking down at me worriedly.

"Oh my god! Are you ok? How are you feeling feeling? Seth! He's awake!" He rushed out, his hands fluttering along my body as if to check if I was hurting anywhere.

Seth appeared behind him in a flash, his eyes wild and sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Yeah... I'm fine. What happened? Are you guys ok?" I questioned.

"Thank goodness your ok..." Seth breathed out.

"You don't remember?" Tyler asked.

"I remember... jumping out of the helicopter but nothing after that." I explained.

"You... you jumped out and then... you... you grew wings and there was blood everywhere... you passed out and I... I didn't think I was gonna make it in time... I thought you where gonna die." Tyler stuttered out with tears in his eyes.

"But you did make it in time... you saved me... right? So it's all good." I asked, sitting up slowly.

I reached out and placed my hand against his cheek in an attempt to comfort him. It felt oddly right to do so, oddly natural.

"Just barely... but yeah" He whispered,  leaning into my hand.

"Wait... you said wings? I grew wings?!" I shouted, I could really be slow on the uptake sometimes.

I pulled away from Tyler and twisted to try and see my back. To my utter shock, there was indeed a pair of large dark red wings that faded into blue at the edges.

"How...?" I trailed off.

"I don't know... but that's not the only thing..." Seth said.

"What?" I asked, my heart dropping.

"Well... while you where unconscious, you kinda... um... shifted... into a Dragon, then a wolf, a snake and finally a deamon...but that aside, we found a safe place for now but we will have to get moving soon, we have been here too long. Tyler washed the blood off of you in the river near by while you where out. We managed to shake off our persu..." Seth rambled on, until I cut him off.

"I what?! What do you mean by that?!" I asked panicking a little.

"You turned into a wolf, a dragon, a snake and a deamon. I don't know what they did to you while we where separated but there is nothing to worry about, your shifts went perfectly normally." Tyler explained.

"See kid, it's exactly as I told you." A voice that sounded like Dirk the dragon said in my mind.

I tensed up and stayed quiet waiting for any other indication that I was not dreaming and that I really wasn't alone in my head anymore.

"We are not a figment of your imagination child." Ash confirmed.

"Well, now that his first shift is over and that the connection has been fully established, I understand why he is so uneducated about us. He is not Cyton, he is human." Rex said.

"Tch, I can't believe I got stuck with a week and pathetic human." Shadow growled.

It was strange have someone else talking in my head, and not only one but four in this case.

"They're talking to you aren't they?" Tyler asked, breaking me out of my dazed stated.

I nodded slowly and looked at the both of them, hopping for some answers.

"Don't worry, we will teach you everything you need to know, right Seth?" Tyler said.

"Of course, but only when we get to a safer location. They are closing in, we need to hurry." Seth agreed.

"Can you stand up?" Tyler asked, holding out a hand to help me up after standing himself.

I placed my hand in his and he pulled me to my feet. I stumbled a little but was otherwise fine. My wings were dragging behind me awkwardly as I started to walk.

"Wait! Let us help you with those." Tyler said.

He and Seth each picked up one of my wings and gently folded them against my back before unfolding them again, repeating that process a few times.

"Just take a second to feel the movement of your wings. Try to memorize it and move them on your own." Seth explained.

After a few minutes, I finally managed to move them by myself, although very weakly.

"Good. Now try to fold them against your back and keep them there, it won't be easy at first since you've never used those muscles before but it will get better." Tyler said.

As did as they told me to and we set off out of the cave we had been hiding in and back into the thick forest that surrounded it.

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