Chapter 14

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Grey's pov.

I watched as the man shot Seth and Tyler in the head. I flinched but did not move from my spot. He pulled out some weird looking cuffs and tied both Tyler and Seth's hands behind their backs before smirking at his work proudly.

"I'll come back for the both of you if they decide to pay me more for your retrieval. They only paid me to bring back one of you so that exactly what I will do. Until then, sweat dreams." He said then he walked away, disappearing through the trees.

I gulped and took a step forward. I glanced at where the man had disappeared to to make sure he wasn't coming back. There was no sign of him anymore. I crouched down next to the two men and quickly checked their pulse and if they where starting to heal. Tyler seemed to be healing a lot faster then Seth as the bullet was already starting to be pushed back out of his head while Seth showed no sign of improvement.

I touched the cuffs gently, yanking it back when the metal burned my skin. I cursed and moved my face closer to have a better look. They where made of thick dark metal with a small pad for finger print identification.

I didn't think it would hold the two for very long but I could be of no help with them. I hoisted Tyler into my arms, carefully avoiding the cuffs, and started walking through the trees. I had found a river with a waterfall while we where searching for the runaway kid, so I headed back towards it for safety until they woke up.

Tyler was surprisingly light in my arms as I effortlessly weaved my way through the trees, avoiding protruding roots and rocks in the ground and jumping over fallen trees. I made it back to the waterfall pretty fast, deciding to lay Tyler down on the bank while I go see if there is a cave hidden behind the wall of water like I remembered from so long ago.

I removed my pants but kept my boxers on and walked into the water. It was kind of cold but it was tolerable.  I stood in front of the waterfall, took a few deep breaths and braced myself for the impact of the falling water. I ran forward with my arms crossed in front of my face. I burst through the water and into the cave.

It looked just as I had remembered and I was glad it had survived the test of time. Although it seemed a little smaller then in my memory but that was probably due to the fact that I was just a child when I first came here.

I waded my way back over to Tyler and threw my pants over my shoulder, picking up the still unconscious man in my arms. I carried him over the water, careful not to get him wet... that is until I got to the waterfall and realised how stupid I was since I was gonna have to run through a waterfall with him and he was bound to get wet.

"Fuck..." I whispered.

I looked down at the man in my arms, noticing the wound on his forehead was almost completely mended shut. I steeled myself, pushing off the rocky bottom of the river, dashing forward as fast as I could. I burst through the water slipping as I got to the other side and falling backwards on the ground. I held onto Tyler strongly, making sure that he did not hit the ground and get hurt. After confirming that he was intact and still unconscious, I sat up, gently sliding Tyler to lean against the wall.

I layed out my jeans for them to dry. I looked over at Tyler and he was starting to shiver in his soaked clothes. I gently pulled off his pants but hesitated at his boxers. They where still mostly dry so I left them on. I placed them next to my pants to dry.

I walked further into the cave and the blanket I had forgotten in here the last time my mate and I visited this place. I had never had the chance to come back and get it since everything that happened after that happened so fast it had been completely wiped from my memory.

I picked it up, shaking it to get the dust off. A powerful smell hit me, a smell I had not smelt in years, the smell of my deceased mate. I froze, tears brimming my eyes before I brought it to my nose to take a deep long breath of it. Memories of her flashed through my mind until I remembered Tyler, freezing on the rocky ground a few feet away from me.

I blinked back the tears and shook away the memories before making my way back to Tyler. I covered him with it, tucking it around him securely. I was just about to leave to go get Seth when I hesitated. What if he woke up while I was gone and left on his own to go looking for us? His injuries where almost heralded. Or what if someone found him and tried to take him? Well, it was pretty unlikely that someone would find this place...

I grabbed my pants and tied one leg to the cuffs on Tyler and the other around his legs just so that it would slow him down enough for me to come back before he decided to take off.

Satisfied with my plan, I ran out of the waterfall and out of the river, shaking off the water before sprinting into the forest. I made it back to the spot where Seth was in record time but stopped short of entering the clearing. I took a few seconds to listen to the sounds of the forest for anything abnormal as well as smell the air for any traces of someone else being close by. I stepped into the tiny clearing after confirming that the cost was clear, but froze again.

Seth was not there.

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