Chapter 33

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The lights flickered on, pulling me out of my fitful sleep. Kyle was standing in the door way holding a new IV bag and his trusty clipboard in his hands. He moved across the room with a scowl on his face.

"God damn incompetents. Can't even pick up after themselves." He grumbled.

He started tearing the plastic protection off of the machines, tossing them on the ground and walking all over them. He kicked them out the door, slamming it shut. He switched the bag connected to my arm while cursing his coworkers the hole time.

"This will replace your food. It contains all the nutrients a normal human needs to survive." He said, then looked me up and down.

"Then again, your not a normal human..." He shrugged and turned back to the machines, glancing over them and taking notes.

After checking everything over, he pulled a stop watch and a switchblade out of his lab coat pocket.

"I will allow you contact with your shifts for the duration of this test, but if you try to use your powers of break free you will get shocked." Kyle explained.

I gritted my teeth. There was a few seconds of silence before Kyle pulled the remote control out as well. He pressed on a button and suddenly, my head was filled with shouting. I flinched involuntarily at the chaos that took over my brain.

"...Fucking idiot!" Shadow, the demon was shouting.

"I would have like to see you do any better! You where so busy trying to get his attention when he clearly couldn't hear us that you weren't there to help him when he needed you! I was there!" Rex shouted back.

"Guys..." Ash started.

"Oh what a big help you where! Where are we again? Oh yeah! right back where we started!" Shadow yelled over him.

"At least I tried something more productive then uselessly screaming at someone who can't fucking hear me!" Rex countered.

"Guys. He can..." Ash was cut off again.

"You could have gotten us out of here if you where so productive!" Shadow screamed.

"The human wanted to save those people. What the fuck did you want me to do!?" Rex asked.

"You could have taken control and forced him to escape without them! They where nothing but a hindrance!" Shadow answered.

Everything went deathly quiet after that and I was finally able to let out the breath I hadn't noticed I was holding.

"Good riddance to them." Dirk said.

"What did you do?" I thought back.

"I blocked them out. It's just you, me and Ash now. They can go be idiots somewhere else." He explained.

"Everything is working properly I see." Kyle interrupted.

"What the fuck does he want?" Ash all but hissed.

"Today we will test your healing abilities. I want to know if you heal faster than a normal person, if yes, how fast you heal and how much damage you can heal. Then, I want to know if this ability is exclusive to your shifts." Kyle explained, almost as if he read my mind.

"Fuck him! Let's just break out of here and kill him." Ash said.

"No, You heard what he said. That machine will electrocute us if we do anything. We all felt how much it hurts when it was activated, we won't be doing much of anything if it does so again much less killing someone." Dirk reasoned.

"Now that you've sorted everything out in there, let's get started." Kyle said, flipping out the blade of his knife.

He started with a shallow cut on my left forearm, smiling as he watched it close. He continued cutting moving up my arm getting deeper and deeper with every cut. By the time he reached my shoulder, blood leaking off my arm in a steady stream gushing out of the cut.

"Amazing! You heal hundreds of times faster then a human." Kyle exclaimed.

He smirked, changed his grip on the knife so that the blade pointed out of the bottom of his hand and crossed over to my right arm. He raised it up, bringing it down in one swift motion to stab it into my arm. I groaned in pain, jerking in the cage. He left the knife in, stepping back and just watching.

"Hmmm, subject's body seems to be unable to expel a foreign object on it's own." He mumble while writing.

He ripped the knife out before slashing a long, deep cut from my elbow to my wrist.

"Subject won't bleed out from a substantial wound to the extremities." He said.

He brought his knife up and before I could even comprehend what he was intending to do, he stabbed me in the chest. My breath hitched, I tasted blood before it started trickling out of my mouth. He pulled the knife out again and stood back. My vision grew dark and I could have sworn I felt my heart stop in my chest before I blacked out.

I gasped, my eyes flying open. Kyle was still standing there with his stupid smirk. He glanced at the machines with a raised eyebrow and then started writing on his clipboard again.

"Fascinating! Subject suffered a state of temporary death for a duration of four minutes while his heart healed. Subject woke up again with no visible side effects." He said.

He looked up at me with a pure evil look in his eyes. He brought his bloody knife up to his eyes, turning it over a few times. He disappeared behind me, then a sharp pain erupted in my back. He stabbed me repeatedly in my lower back. He watched the stab wounds heal before coming back to face me.

"This is going to be fun. I sure hope you survive this next round of tests." He said.

He fished the remote from his pocket, wiggling it in front of my face for a few seconds.

"He can't be about to do what I think he's going to do..." Ash said.

Before I could answer him, Kyle pressed on the button, effectively cutting me off from my shifts. I glared at him, even though I knew it would not change anything. It was practically the only thing I could do in this cage.

Kyle pressed his knife against my left cheek, slowly dragging it down my skin with enough force to cut it open. I closed my eyes and tried to turn my face away. He pulled the knife away once he reached my jaw bone, watching for a while before sighing, disappointed.

"Subjects healing abilities are only present when connected to his shifts." He said, writing it down.

"Let's see how far we have to go before that changes." He added with a sadistic smile.

He started off by cutting across both my arms. Then cut open both my legs form hips down to knees and again from beneath the knee to my ankles. When that still didn't change anything, He slit my wrists.

"Maybe you are going to die from this..." He trailed off.

He pulled out his phone and sent a text to someone. He stood right in front of me, a smile slowly stretching his lips.

"You ready for the last step of this test?" He asked.

Without missing a beat, he brought his knife up and stabbed me in the heart again. Blood dripped past my lips once again. Almost immediately after, my vision went dark.

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