Chapter 17

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I jumped up, gasping for air and sweating profusely. The door to my cell sliding open startled me as Kyle entered once again. There was a soldier at the door with him and the scientist was holding a glass of water and a white paper cup. I glanced at the floor where the tray and spoon had previously been, they where both gone. I wiped the sweat from my face while making sure to not take my eyes off the two men.

"Please cooperate with me and take these." Kyle said.

"Or what?" I asked.

"Or this you piece of shit." The soldier answered, pulling out a small remote control and pressing on a button.

Pain erupted behind my eyes, shooting down my spine all the way to the tip of my toes. My muscles tensed and I fell back on the bed. My vision faded out as my hearing wavered in and out, allowing me only to hear bits and pieces of the argument happening next to me that was almost drowned out by my screams.

"Stop... he didn't... enough!"

"Little shit... it... my job... unlike you."

The pain finally stopped. I felt like I was floating on water, my hearing muffled. Something cold landed on my cheek, making me flinch away slightly. I eventually relaxed when nothing happened. I was breathing hard as I tried to regain my bearings.

"Open your eyes." I heard Kyle say when the ringing in my ears subsided.

I pried my eyes open. Kyle was hovering over me with a worried look. The glass of water and paper cup where sitting on the floor next to the bed. The soldier glaring at me from the doorway.

"Please don't do that again. Just do what I ask." Kyle said.

"What are the pills for?" I asked.

The soldier growled and took a step forward, but Kyle raised his hand, making him stop.

"He has a right to know what we are asking him to swallow." Kyle said.

"That thing doesn't have any rights. It's not human." The soldier retorted.

Kyle scowled at the man, turning back to me. He picked up the paper cup and held it out to me. There was two Advil's, a small round yellow pill, a bigger green pill and a pink one.

"So, the Advil's are just to help with the pain, they are not as strong as what we gave you thus far, but they won't knock you out while helping with the pain. The yellow one is necessary to prevent permanent brain damage from the thing on your head. The green one is a tracking device that will attach itself to the inside of your stomach once deployed, it should be mainly painless. And finally, the pink one... well, let's just say it might make you sick." Kyle explained.

"Ummm... What...?" I hesitated.

"Look, just take them. If you don't, they won't hesitate to make you and trust me when I say, it will be very painful if they do. None of these things are going to harm you seriously." He tried to convince me.

I still hesitated to take the pills from him and after a few seconds, the soldier reached for his radio and pulled the remote control out again. I sat up and grabbed the cup quickly, looking at the pills skeptically. Kyle picked up the glass and handed it to me. I took it, taking a deep breath.

"Just take them one at a time, it will be easier." Kyle instructed.

I glared at him to which he promptly apologised, running a hand through his hair nervously. I picked out the two Advils first, downing them quickly with a gulp of water. Then, I chose the yellow one, swallowing it easily. I stopped for a moment, really not looking forward to the last two.

"Hurry the fuck up. I have other things to do today." The soldier growled.

I clenched my teeth, threw the two last pills in my mouth and swallowed them. Kyle gasped as I started coughing but he didn't dare reach out to me.

"I told you to take them one at a time." He scolded.

I simply glared at him again, shutting him up in an instant. There was a sudden pinch in my stomach. I groaned and clutched my midsection, curling in on myself slightly. Just as suddenly as it had appeared the pain faded away again. A few minutes of awkward silence where I had no idea what was going on passed and the Advils kicked in, easing the already less intense then yesterday pain in my head and making me slightly drowsy but not to the point where I wanted to sleep.

"So... What now? There's gotta be something else if your still here." I said.

"Oh... Yeah, um, come with me. I'm guessing the Advils have kicked in" He asked.

"... Where are you taking me?" I questioned back, ignoring his question.

"Stop asking stupid questions. You don't need to know. Just get up and move." The soldier answered.

Kyle stood up, moving to the door. I slowly got off the bed and walked across the cell just to piss off the soldier. As I passed by him, he shoved me forward sending me stumbling into Kyle who squeaked and fell down. I held my hand out to help him back to his feet as the soldier mumbled curse words under his breath. I pulled him up and he turned away quickly, practically running down the hall.

I starred after him until the soldier shoved me forward again, my injured wing still dragging behind me uselessly. Every few steps, the soldier would purposefully step on the tip of my wing causing a wave of pain to course through my back and making me stumble. He would answer by pushing me forward every time.

I eventually turned around and punched him right across the face. He fell back on his ass with a look of shock on his face. It quickly morphed into one of anger. He pulled out the remote and pressed on the button. I collapsed to the floor, pain running rampant in my body. I could faintly hear myself screaming as well as Kyle shouting and running towards us.

Just as Kyle made it back, the soldier released the button and I could breath again. The soldier shouted something at Kyle whose blurry form shrunk away from us. The man then grabbed a handful of my hair and proceeded to drag me down the hall. A few twists and turns later, my hearing and sight had fully returned, and I was being shoved through a door.

"Take a shower you fuck; you have five minutes." The soldier shouted and closed the door.

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