Chapter 29

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Kyle tugged on the cuffs as he walked across the room. He grabbed a tray and started pilling on food. There was a sudden bang followed by a crash. I turned around, there was a kid laying on the ground at the foot of the wall, food scattered around him. Two guards rushed over to pick him up and drag his unconscious body out of the room.

"Are they ok?" I asked.

"Um... yeah there fine." Kyle answered with barely any conviction.

"That kid just walked right into a wall..."

"Yes, he did... they are kept drugged for everyone's safety."

"How is this safe? They are half dead."

"No, it's temporary. They are only drugged when they are let out of their cells."

I shook my head, turning back to counter of food. Kyle had packed the tray with food and was ready to leave.

"Could you please take this with us, I kinda only have one hand." Kyle asked the soldier following us, holding up his cuffed hand.

The soldier took the tray and followed after us as Kyle pulled me out of the cafeteria. He practically dragged me back to my cell. He unlocked the cuffs once we reached our destination. He handed me a sandwich, a juice box and and orange from the tray, shoving them into my hands. In a flash, he had a needle in his hands, he jabbed it into my arm and injected me before i could free my hands and stop him.

"What the fuck was that?" I shouted.

The soldier suddenly stepped between us and pushed me ruffly into my cell, causing my food to fall out of my hands and onto the floor as i hit the ground hard. He shut the door, smirking as he stepped back.

"Hey, easy there. There was no need for that." Kyle said to the man.

"It was just vitamins Blake, nothing to worry about." Kyle added, addressing me through the holes in the door.

"You could have just given me some pills and asked me to take them." I replied, glaring at him slightly.

"It's a much more concentrated dose then what can be found in pills. Now eat your food, your going to need it." He stated.

"What the fuck did you do? What do you mean I'm going to need it?"

"Well, we have some more tests to run tomorrow. Your going to need the energy. Anyway, Tom here is going to stand guard over you to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Kyle pointed to the soldier, before turning and walking away.

"Wait! Fuck Kyle..." I started, but was cut off.

"Shut up and eat your food you fucking piece of shit." The soldier,Tom, said.

I glared at him, but backed away from the door, not wanting to give him any reason to come in here and beat me up again. I gathered my food again, sitting on my bed to eat. I left the trash near the small trap door they usually delivered food from, figuring someone would pick it up at some point.

I lay down in bed, staring at the ceiling. Hours dragged on by before Kyle finally came back. He walked into the cell.

"It's almost lights out, I have to strap you in." He said.

"No fucking way. You are not tying me down to the bed again." I protested.

"I don't have a choice. We can't have you trying to remove the device on your head again." He insisted.

"I won't ok? And I won't let you tie me down either."

"Then I will have to ask Tom here to stand guard over you all night."

"What?! No fucking way! Unlike most of you in here, I have a live outside this base." Tom cut in.

Kyle looked slightly annoyed, but he covered it up quickly.

"Alright fine. You promise you won't do it again?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, I promise." I answered.

"Ok, I trust you. I won't tie you up, but please remember, my job and my brother is on the line here. Don't disappoint me."

I smiled at him and he sighed. He walked back out of my cell,locking it and taking the guard with him. I sighed, lying down on the bed. after a few minutes of complete silence, i sat back up and turned to face the wall in hopes of avoiding the camera I now knew was in the room somewhere. I pulled off the tape holding the bandage closed on my head.

I unwrapped it slowly. as I reached the last layer, I had to rip it off of the crusted blood underneath. I hissed through my teeth but took my time to remove it, not wanting to start bleeding again. Just as I was finishing up, something shiny fell from my forehead. I picked it up and brought it closer to my face in order to examine it. It looked like a small sliver of metal. I reached up to the thing on my head, running my fingers over the surface. It was dented in the center and had a small crack in it. My eyes went wide as I realized what had happened. The device had been damaged when Tom smashed my head against the wall this morning and no one had noticed. This also meant that I could use my powers again.

"Hello?" I thought hesitantly.

"Blake! Oh thank god you can hear us again. We can get out of here now." What seemed to be Rex's voice answered me.

"Rex right?" I asked just to be sure.

"Yup. Now go to that door and get it open. I want fucking out of this place." He answered.

"How? I don't know the code to open it and I can't reach the key pad."

"Fuck codes kid! Your gonna short circuit it. You can control water right? And there is a shower right next to your cell... Get some water from there and dump it on the lock system. If the door doesn't open with that then we will have to go big."

"It's worth a try I guess. How do you know the layout of this place by the way?"

"I'm in your head remember? Plus, we could hear see and feel everything you did, but you couldn't hear us."

I reached the door and took a deep breath. I wasn't too sure of how to use my powers so I hesitated.

"Just close your eyes and focus on finding water. It will come naturally, you'll see."

I did as Rex instructed, expending my senses to find a source of water. I soon felt what seemed to be a water pipe passing beneath the hallway floor. I followed in all the way to a shower head, forcing water to move along with me. I coaxed it out of the pipe and across the room, squeezing it under the door. I moved it closer to me, risking opening my eyes to see what was happening. there was a moderate sized sphere of water floating in mid air. I gasped, slightly surprised that it had worked. I almost dropped it but managed to get control on it again just in time.

I shuffled over to the other side of the door to try and see where the lock mechanism was located. I smooched my face against the door, just barely making out the edge of a metal box that i assumed was the lock. I threw the water onto it. Nothing happened.

Rex sighed in my head. He started shouting for Dirk, but was cut short when a pop resounded down the hall and the door slid open.

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