Chapter 32

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"The automatic response unit in the device has been damaged, but not the manual control panel." Kyle's voice was the first thing I heard when I came to.

My body felt stiff and sore, especially my back. I tried to move, but found myself completely unable to. Panic spiked within me for a second and I finally managed to pry my eyes open before everything came back to me.

"Oh fuck!" The man standing right in front of me shouted.

"What's the matter with you?" Kyle asked, turning towards us.

"He's awake..." The man spoke.

"Hmm, just keep doing your job. He can't do anything to you in his current state." Kyle informed the man.

"...ok." The man approached me once more and lifted his hands to my head.

He was holding tools in his hands and he kept glancing down at me as he worked on repairing the damned device.

The boost of energy I had felt with the panic soon faded away and left me barely clinging on to consciousness. Kyle suddenly dropped his clipboard on the cart that had been left in the room and walked over to us.

"You must be wondering why your beasts or shifts as they are more commonly known as suddenly deserted you when we caught you again yesterday despite the device being broken." He said.

I glared at him as best I could before he continued.

"Well, you see, since the manual controls where not damaged on the device, all I had to do was get within range and reactivate it, thus why you lost all your powers yesterday. Hope you enjoyed them while they lasted. You won't be getting an opportunity like that again." He laughed.

His fingers started probing around what used to be the base of my wings, sending sparks of pain across my back. I clenched my fists and groaned.

"Don't worry, we cauterized the wounds. Tell me, do you feel this?" He asked.

There was a sudden jolt of pain a lot more intense than the others. I jerked forward, making the cage shake slightly and screamed through my teeth.

"Sensitive like a normal broken bone." He whispered to himself.

He made his way back to the cart to wright down notes on his clipboard. He started pushing the cart towards the door.

"Wash the blood off of him, it's disgusting." He threw over his shoulder.

"I'm a technician not a janitor." The man working on the device on my head answered back.

"Your job is to do as you are told, so fucking do it or you won't be here much longer." Kyle stated before letting the door close behind him.

The man sighed, glanced down at me and returned to his work. He removed a cracked green circuit board about the size of my thumb, replacing it with an identical one. A few minutes later, there was a clicking sound. The man paused, glancing down at me again.

"I have to seal it closed... Sorry." He practically whispered.

There was a second click followed by a small shower of sparks. My forehead started burning, I squeezed my eyes shut, digging my nails into my palms until it finally cooled down again. The man pulled a tissue out of his pocket and wiped at my forehead, coming away slightly bloody. He gave me a sympathetic look before packing up his tools and leaving.

My back pulsing in pain was the only thing keeping me conscious as silence settled around me. I noticed that the IV drip had been turned on which meant that they where probably drugging me and the pain I was experiencing was probably only a fraction of the real pain.

The door swung open again and a man walked in holding a hose and folded up plastic under his arm. He placed the hose on the ground before covering up the machines to my right with the plastic. He picked up the hose again, coming to stand in front of me. He pressed the handle on the water gun and started spraying me down. The water was freezing cold and I had no way to block it.

My breath hitched, my muscles tensing up. By the time he moved on to my other side, I was shivering uncontrollably, fighting for my every breath against my tensed muscles. The water on the ground turned red fast as it hit my back. It stung terribly as he sprayed the spot where my wings used to be. The man chuckled and spent more time than was necessary to wash that spot.

The hose finally turned off. The man came back in front of me and started spraying the floor to clear the blood that had accumulated there. The water seemed to be draining somewhere behind me. The man tossed the hose back out into the hall, switching it for a broom type thing that he used to push the water towards the drain.

Once he was done with his work, he came to stand in front of me and stared at me. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just kept staring. His eyes swept over my body once, then twice.

"No matter how much I look at you, you look like any other kid... if it wasn't for those things on your back." He said.

I glared at him, making him chuckle.

"You got a pretty face. Maybe I'll get to have some fun with you next time." He stated, licking his lips.

I growled, trying to get free of the cage so I could tear this man's head off. He laughed again and walked out of the room, leaving me in silence once again. I glared at the door for a while until exhaustion started taking over again. I was still shivering badly and the once warm bars where now freezing against my skin.

It took forever for my body temperature to rise again. I was drained of energy, my body completely slack against the body shaped contraption I was in. I would be lying flat on the ground if it wasn't for the metal surrounding me. My eyes where drooping closed when the lights turned off due to the lack of movement in the room. That was all it took for me to finally succumb to unconsciousness.

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