chapter one

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Yeosang's pov.

I walked trough the park with my best friend Wooyoung and we talked about the news. Woo and I are college students and he's quite popular. A lot of girls are interested in him but he always rejects them and I ask me why. „So since we're alone I can tell you something, right?", he asked and looked at me. I gave him a sign to continue and he took a deep breath. „I'm gay, Yeo and I was afraid to tell you that because you know my parents are homophobic , so..." „You thought I'm homophobic ?", I couldn't believe what he was saying, he really thought that I'm homophobic like his parents. I sighed and shook my head. „I'm not homophobic , tbh I'm also homosexual.", I told him and a smile appeared on his lips. „Ahhh I'm so happy.",he said and hugged me tightly. 

It was a colder day in spring. The sun shined a bit and Woo and I were happy that we told us finally our secret. „Uhm Yeo, I like someone.", he mumbled and I hit his arms. „Come on tell me about him.", I said and he smiled softly at me. „Okay his name is San. Ugh he isn't on our college cuz he's older than us." I nodded and he bit onto his lip. „Fuck Yeo, he's so hot but I'm afraid of telling him that I like him. I mean he's my uhm...sugar daddy.",the last words couldn't I clearly hear but I knew what he was saying, I mean he moved out of his parents house and he doesn't had a lot of money. So it was a good option but I never want to have a sugar daddy, you don't know if you get a hot one. „So what's the problem, I know that you don't have a lot of money and you said he's hot so why should I be mad?", I told my best friend and he sighed. 

„Thank you for being my best friend.",he whispered and doesn't looked at me. I laughed and hit him. „I want to ask something...I'm sorry if it's too private but you had sex with him?",I mumbled and now he was the one who was laughing. „Yes, we often had sex and yk he always gives me a lot of money and I'm so happy that he's so nice. I really like him.", I nodded and smiled at him. 

His phone rang and he asked me if it's okay when he answers the call cuz it was San. I nodded and he smiled. „So you want that I go with you on a party?",he asked him and shrugged his shoulders. „Ah ok can I bring a friend?",he asked and smiled at me, probably he doesn't wanted to go alone. „He's my best friend and his name is Yeosang.",he told San trough the phone and it seemed that San said that it's ok when I come with Woo to that party. 

Woo and I went to his apartment and changed our clothes. Woo gave me some „normal" clothes about what I was very happy because Woo always wears clothes which has a neckline and to be honest it fits him very well but I'm not very confident in wearing revealing clothes. „You're really good looking",he said and smiled at me. I was happy that he gave me a compliment.

We went to that party in a expensive club, we could be happy that San put us on the waiting list because the queue was very long. We told our names and walked into the club. The music was loud and it smelled of alcohol. 


Hellooo! 🌱

So I decided to write a Seongsang fanfiction hehe. 🌱

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