chapter twenty four

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Yeosang's pov.

I was still overwhelmed that Seonghwa isn't the one he pretended to be and now I don't know if I can ever trust someone.

I fell for him but he's a psychopath and I'm totally scared of him so I'll stay away from him.

All the days I played with Mingi games and we got to know us better.
To be honest he's really nice and I'm really thankful that he let me live here.

San and Wooyoung have often visited us and Mingi told me that Hwa needs to talk with the police.
When I asked him why he doesn't answered me.

We sat on the couch and he put the playstation on.
„Shall we play?" I nodded and I grabbed the controller.

We played till midnight and then the doorbell rang.
I looked at Mingi and he shrugged his shoulders.
I went into my room and locked the door.
I was so scared what if it's Hwa?

„Hello." „What are you doing here?"
„Yeo is missing..." „I heard that."
„I miss him so much Mingi."

He misses me?

„Did you went to the police station?"
„No. I'll leave the city."
„Why? I mean what is with Yeosang?"
„I love him but if he knows what I did he'll hate me..."
Mingi laughed.

Hwa loves me? I don't think he loves me...

You can't love him. You're just obsessed with him-"
„You don't know anything about my feelings!"
„No Mingi you don't understand what I feel when I'm with Yeo...My heart is racing so fast and I just can admire him. He's so beautiful, friendly and-"
You should leave now. I'm tired."
„You didn't even listened! I want to be a better person for Yeosang!"

My eyes widened. He want to change for me?

„Hwa do you want that the police will find out that you killed all the women and that you killed Yuna? Do you think Yeosang would like you?"

Mingi laughed sarcastically and I could clearly hear that Seonghwa was angry.

„Since when is it so important for you to protect Yeosang? You helped me with the cameras!"
„I told you that is all too much but you don't wanted to hear!"
„Yah Hongjoong knows about it and he told me that you told him about all that!"
„He deserves to know it!"

I chuckled and my hands were shaking.
They definitely had an argument.
I know finally Hwa's angry side and this side is scary...

My phone rang and my heart raced so fast.
I was scared that Hwa will hear it.

Wooyoung called me...

„Is it yours?"
„Can you leave now. I'm sure it's Yunho."
„You know what, you should let you fuck your brain out! You don't know what-"

The door slammed and it was quiet.

„Yeo are you fine?"
I unlocked the door and I noticed know that I started crying...
Mingi pulled me into his arms and stroke my back.

„I'm sorry-" „No Mingi, it was too much..."
He smiled and we went back into the living room.

„Woo called me." He nodded and I called Woo.

„Hiiii I miss youuu." „Woo are you ok?"
„I'm on a partyyyy and San left meeee"
„Should we pick you up?"

I looked at Mingi who sighed.

„Yessss pleaseeee." „Ok we'll pick you up."

Mingi and I changed our clothes and drove to the party where Woo was with San.
We saw San talking with a man and it was the friendly barkeeper Hongjoong.

„San!" He turned around and when he saw me his eyes widened.
„You shouldn't have come..."
„Woo called and he told me that you left him..."

He sighed and nodded.

„Oh Yeosang." „Hi Hongjoong, we didn't saw us since-"
„a few weeks yes."

I went with Mingi into the villa and we searched for Woo. He sat in the garden with a bottle.

„Woo!" He smiled at me and stood up.
He hugged me tightly and we went out of the villa, back to Mingi's car.

„Sannieee!" He ran to San and hugged him from behind.
I was jealous...
I wanted to have a relationship...

„You're liar!" I turned around and I saw that Mingi laid on the ground.
Someone has punched him in the face and when I looked at the person who punched him my eyes widened.

I wanted to run but I couldn't.
His eyes were so hypnotic...
„I love you..."

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