chapter twenty three

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Seonghwa's pov.

I went home and wanted to call Yeo but it said that the number doesn't exist.
I was wondering why I couldn't contact him.

I laid in my bed and thought about Yeo.
He's just so wonderful and I want to change for him. He's worth it.

I grabbed my phone and texted Mingi.

Hi did you saw Yeo today in the college?

No he didn't came today.

I sighed and laid my phone away.
I grabbed my laptop and watched the recordings.

Yeo went into the kitchen he ate something and he definitely left his apartment.
He doesn't came home and I was worried.
He wouldn't left me.

I need him so much and I just want to lay with him in my bed and cuddle with him.
I want to tell him how much I love him but I'm scared that he doesn't love me or that he'll hesitate.

I put my laptop away and put some clothes on.
I drove to Yeosang's apartment to look if he was there.
I opened the door and everything was dark.

I sighed and walked into the bedroom where I sat down and stroke over the blanket.
He left me...

I thought he likes me in the same way I like him. I love him.

My phone rang and I answered the call.

„Hello?" „Hello."
„Who are you?" „Oh that you don't need to know it but I know that you killed Yuna am I right Park Seonghwa?"

My heart raced so fast and I hung up.
Someone knows it.
Should I kill this person?

The police called and they want to talk with you about Yuna.

Shit shit shit...

The only thing I can do is I flee or I'll say that I killed her...
There aren't a lot of options...

I just want to be with Yeo...
I want to know what he's doing now.
I miss him.

I bit onto my lip and I felt weak.
I really miss Yeosang.
Am I weak that I fell in love with him?
Is it dumb that he's the one who stole my heart?

He's the first one I ever have loved...
I don't want that he knows that I'm a psychopath...he shouldn't know it.
He would hate me.

I drove home and went into the basement.
I opened the door of room number two and a woman hung chained from the ceilings.
She was covered in blood and her wrist were slashed because of the bonds.

Her eyes were teary and she shook her head.
„Don't-" „I just want-" „Go away!"

I sighed and bit onto my lip.
I sat on the chair in front of her and played with a knife.

„Don't kill me." I looked up and shook my head.
„I wanted to let you go..." Her eyes sparkled and she looked at me.
„Why? I mean you could have killed me or you could torture me like you did it the last time..."
„You're two weeks missing... I have a lot of problems recently and I can't kill you."
„Why not?"

Why not? I'm in love...

„I met someone a while ago and he..."
„You love him?" I nodded and she sighed.
„Uh can you loose the bonds?" I stood up and opened the bonds.
She sat on the ground and I went up to bring her a blanket.

„Thank you..." „No no don't thank me. I'm not good.."

„I'll no one tell about it..." I raised my eyebrows and she smiled.
„You would come in prison and the one you love would be sad."
„He left me..." She chuckled and looked at me.

„You want to change because of him." My eyes widened and I gulped...
She was right. I just want to change because of Yeosang.

„Can I stay here till my wounds are getting better?" I nodded and we walked upstairs into my guest room.
I gave her some clothes and she went into the bathroom.

I waited and she came after a while back into her room.

„I'll help you with him." „Really...I-"
„I said I'll help you." I hugged her and she smiled.

psycho love ||  SEONGSANG ✔️Where stories live. Discover now