chapter seven

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Yeosang's pov.

Wooyoung just sat on the couch and played with his hands.
„Are you ok?" He looked into my eyes and nodded slowly.
His phone vibrate and I grabbed it.

Woo, please we need to talk.

You can't ignore me...


It's important...

I sighed and shook my head. „San wrote you..." „I don't want to hear his name anymore!" He had tears in his eyes and he sobbed softly.
„I hate him..." „Do you want Chicken? I can order some." He nodded and I grabbed my phone and ordered Chicken.

„Can we cuddle?" I nodded and he laid on my chest. I don't know why he laid on my chest but it felt good. He likes it to cuddle.
„We need to go the college tomorrow." „I know."
„Can you stay her tonight, again?" „I don't have any clothes and my college stuff is at my apartment." He nodded and seemed a bit upset.
„I can go home and take my stuff." He looked into my eyes and nodded smiling.
I sighed and nodded.
„I'll go after we ate, okay?" He just nodded and closed his eyes.

After a time our food came and we ate. I love chicken so much.
„I'll go now ok?" He nodded and I put my shoes on. I walked out of his apartment.
It was a bit colder but it wasn't too cold.
I walked in a slower pace to my apartment and then I saw a man. He looked familiar and yeah I knew him.
I wasn't sure what he wanted in front of my apartment.

I sighed and walked towards the building. I put my hood on and looked down.
I grabbed my key and unlocked the door.
„Excuse me...I'm searching for Kang Yeosang." My heart pounded so fast and I just ran upstairs to my apartment.
I unlocked the door and closed the door immediately. I sat on the ground and I couldn't control my breath.

Why is he here? Why does he know where I live?
It's so strange that he even knows my Last name. He knows everything.
And I thought it was just a one night stand.

Woo, I have a problem...Seonghwa is staying in front of the building of my apartment.
I don't know what I should do...

shit why does he know where you live?

Uh tbh I don't know it...I didn't even gave him my number...
I'm afraid of walking out of the apartment.
I'm sure he's still there...

Ok stay at home and I'll come tomorrow.
We walk then together to the's not safe, I mean he knows where you're living.

I was so nervous. My hands were shaking.
My phone vibrate again and I looked on the screen.

Don't you want to open the door. I know that you're home.

My eyes widened and my phone fell out of my hand. Someone knocked on the door and I crawled into my bedroom. I was too scared to stand up and walk into it.



I really don't know what to write here ups.

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