chapter eighteen

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Yeosang's pov.

It was too much. I was so afraid...
I wasn't sure what Mingi meant with risky way.
Did Hwa something bad?

I was so overwhelmed and too scared.
I liked the night with Seonghwa but I'm not sure if it was right...
I don't want to date him...

I began to cry...
I couldn't understand Hwa...

I wasn't even sure if I should open him the door when he comes to pick me up...

Hey Yeo, I'll pick you up at 6 pm.

I chuckled and shook my head.
Come on Yeo, you can do it....

I put a white shirt on and a blue jeans.
I'm excited but also afraid what will happen...

I don't know Hwa good enough to say if he's good or bad but I know that he has two sides...
He can be the sweetest man or someone who scares you...

I walked into the kitchen and ate something.

Hi Woo, do you have time now...?

I wasn't sure if he'll answer because he met San but I needed someone to talk with...

Omg omg you won't believe it!!!
San won't marry that girl!!!
He was so cute omg.

I sighed and put my phone away...

I was happy for Woo but I need him now...


The doorbell rang and I opened my eyes.
Is it already 6 pm?
I looked on the phone and it was 4 pm.

Does Hwa wanted to come earlier?
He didn't wrote me...

I went to the door and opened it.
„Oh Yeosang! Why didn't you pick up? I called you!!!" Wooyoung...
„I didn't felt good...I slept."
He nodded and walked into the living room.
„So...San and I are a couple now...also he told me that he loves me and I love him too so we're a couple now..."

I just nodded and sat on the couch.
„Should I go?" I shook my head and he sat next to me.
„Did Seonghwa came?" I took a deep breath and shook my head.
I couldn't tell him that I slept with him again...after he scared me so much.

Oh I'm so dumb...
Why do I can't resist him?
„Yeo?" I looked at Woo and he laughed.
„You're phone..." he showed onto it and I grabbed it.

It was Seonghwa...
I was so panicked. Woo looked on the screen and furrowed his eyebrows.
„You unblocked him?!" He seemed to be mad...
I nodded and put my phone away.

If Seonghwa asks me why I didn't picked up I'll tell him that I didn't heard it or that I slept...

„Ugh Yeosang..." „I know that I'm dumb ok?!"
I didn't even know why I was screaming at him.
I don't wanted to be mean to Woo, he's my best friend...
„I'll leave now... you can text me when you know what's right..."

I don't wanted to fight with him...

He stamped out of my apartment and closed the door loudly...

I cried again and I felt so weak...
Why am I so dumb?
I don't want to loose Woo...
I'm so selfish...

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