chapter five

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Yeosang's pov.

„Yeo?" I opened my eyes and the sun shined brightly into the room. I looked at Woo, who was still sad. „Hm?"
I was so tired but I wanted to be there for Woo.
„Uh it doesn't matter..." I shook my head and laid onto him. „Come on tell me, you woke me up." I poke into his cheeks and he smiled.

„You didn't told me what you did with Seonghwa..." Oh ugh how should I tell him that I lost my virginity...
„Ah don't get mad ok...ugh I had sex with him..." I looked away and stood up.
„What? My best friend lost his virginity?!" I nodded and he smiled.
„I hope you know that Seonghwa has a girlfriend." „Yeah I know but it was just a one night stand..."
„I hope so."

„Ah you got a message."
„Who is it?"
„Idk." I looked on my phone and saw a message from unknown

hey Yeosang! It's me Seonghwa.
I hope you didn't forget me after last night.😏

I chuckled and Wooyoung looked at me.
„It's Seonghwa." His eyes widened and he grabbed my phone.
„This Emoji is he wants more..."
I was so shocked and my heart raced so fast. „Uhm do you really think he wants more?" He nodded and I was nervous.

It was nice to had sex with him and he was so rough but also so soft to me but I don't want to see him again. He shouldn't had cheat on his girlfriend but he seems to not even be sorry about it. He wrote me and I was so nervous.

„Uh idk what I should do." „Hm you could answer him but yk he would clearly doesn't stop to cheat on his girlfriend."
„I should block him."
„What if you see him again and he asks you why you blocked him? That would be weird."
I nodded and sighed.

Hey, ugh I didn't forget you.
Uhm why are you writing me and how did you get my number?

Oh that's easy, I want to see you again.
And it doesn't matter how I got your number😉

Why is he so weird. He can't see me again.
„Woo I need your help. How can someone get a number when you didn't gave it to them?" „Hm maybe through a hacker?"
I was so shocked.
„A hacker? Do you think Seonghwa is a hacker?" „No but he's the owner of a club so he might knows someone who's a hacker."
I nodded and took a deep breath.

„I'm hungry." „Me too." He stood up and made us breakfast.
I'm so happy that he's not mad at me for uhm yeah loosing my virginity...

His phone rang and I looked on the screen.


„Ugh Woooooo!" He walked immediately back into the living room and I gave him his phone. He bit onto his lip and shook his head.
He had tears in his eyes and I knew he doesn't wanted to cry.

„I hate him...I hate him so much." He put his phone away and went back into the kitchen and came back with our breakfast.
We ate and didn't talked. I knew it was too much for him.

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