chapter nine

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Seonghwa's pov.

I stayed all night in front of his apartment. I could be happy that he had a key under the mat. I didn't thought that it would be that easy to come into his apartment.

I knew that he was home and I heard his breath. I opened the wardrobe and he was sleeping, I wanted to lay him on his bed but I don't wanted to wake him up or that he screams.

I decided to sleep on the couch and fortunately I woke up before him.


I need to say that to him cuz I don't know if he'll talk with Wooyoung about me or if he'll go to the police bcs I broke into his apartment.

I stand in front of my car and sighed. Yeosang went out of the building and hugged Wooyoung. My blood boiled and I clenched my fists. I don't know why I was so jealous, I don't really know him. I just now some things because of Mingi, he's a friend of mine and he's helping me. He's a hacker and I'm happy that he helps me.

I took my phone out of my pocket and got a message from San. He's a bit annoying but I like him. He's my best friend, he's rich and tbh I really don't know why he's a sugar daddy. I mean he could easily marry Ryujin and be happy but no since he's bisexual he wants to have fun with boys. Unfortunately he fell for Wooyoung, if Ryujin find it out she would kill him.

She's really jealous and I don't know why San decided to cheat on her, okay okay I also cheated on Yuna but I always have cheated on people. It's always the same, when I don't have any interest in them anymore, I kill them and bury them in the woods or I put their body in the cold room in the basement of my villa.
Uh yeah I'm a psychopath but I don't really care about what people think about me.
I'm doing what I want and never got someone suspicious of me.

I talked with Woo last night...
I wanted to call you but I couldn't contact you, it wasn't working.

I rolled my eyes and sat into my car. I drove to San who opened the door with just a boxer shorts on.

„I didn't expect to see you today..."
I went into his house and Ryujin came towards me.
„Hello Seonghwa." She smiled at me and we hugged each other.
„How are you?" „Fine it's just a bit stressful because of the club yk." She nodded and we went into the living room.
I don't know why San just wore a boxer shorts and Ryujin was full covered in her clothes.
„I'll put some clothes on." He went upstairs and I was alone with her.

„I don't know how I should tell him that I don't love him..." she sighed and my eyes widened.
She also doesn't love him? They both don't love each other?

San came back and sat next to her. He laid his arm across her and she laid her head on his shoulder.
I wasn't sure what to do...


Heyyyy, I'm totally motivated to write today <3

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