chapter thirty five

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Wooyoung's pov.

„I'm happy that they finally found together." I rolled my eyes.
„They're not even a couple." San smiled and pulled me into his arms.

„I know Seonghwa, he can't live without Yeo."
„And you can't live without me." He nodded and kissed me passionately.

Ah I just love him so much.

We went home and cuddled all night long.

Seonghwa's pov.

I woke up and looked immediately at Yeo.
I was afraid that something could had happened but he smiled softly at me.

I sighed and kissed his lips.
„You was worried?" I nodded and he smiled.

„I love you Hwa."

My heart raced so fast and I couldn't believe that he really said that.
He loves me.

„And I love you." He smiled softly and I kissed his forehead.

„I want to go home." „You can't go home and if you could I wouldn't let you go to your apartment. You'd come to my villa."
He sighed and smiled.

„I don't said that I want to go to my apartment..." I looked confused at him and he bit shyly on his lip.

„You said you want to go home?" „Home is there where you are..." His cheeks turned red and I couldn't stop smiling.

My heart raced and his words let my heart race faster.

„You're so cute baby. You're sure that you want to live in my villa?" He nodded and he pecked my lips.

I never thought that I would fell in love.

The doctor came in and said that Yeo's wounds aren't that dangerous so he could go home.

Yeo looked at me and smiled softly.
He must be happy that he can go out of the hospital.

I don't think that he's safe in the hospital.

I didn't expect that Yunho would be that dangerous.
I hope Mingi is fine...

I went with Yeo to my villa and the way he looked around let my heart flutter.

He's so adorable.

Yeo looked into my eyes and smiled.

„Can...can we go to the police?" I nodded and pulled him into my arms.

We went to the police and told the officers what had happened and they immediately searched for Yunho.

It just can be better...

Yeo hold my hands and we walked through the streets.

„What are we now?"

I looked at him and sighed.

What are we?

„I think-" My phone rang and Mingi's name appeared on the screen.

„It's Mingi..." He nodded and bit onto his lip.

He was sad. I could see that.

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