chapter twenty one

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Seonghwa's pov.

I went to the club. I didn't lied when I said that it's because of the club because I needed to talk with Hongjoong.
He told me that he heard from Mingi what I planned...

Mingi shouldn't tell anyone about that but he did it...

I walked into the club and Hongjoong waited for me.
„Hello Hwa." „He really told you about it..."
He just nodded and wanted to say something.

„Huh?" He shook his head, he couldn't told me about it.
„Uhm Mingi said...Ah it doesn't matter..."
I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.
„What does he said?"

„He said he doesn't think that you do the right thing...he thinks that it's not right that you're obsessed with Yeosang..."
I sighed and smiled.
„Do you ever loved someone?"
He gulped and shook his head.
„So you won't understand that..."

„There's something else what you should know...the police found Yuna's body..."
My eyes widened and I clenched my fists.
I didn't expect that...

I went into my office and closed the door.
I sat on the chair and closed my eyes for a moment.

If they found her body then I could have a problem...but they never found out that I killed all this people...

Yeosang's pov.

I sighed and unlocked the door.
I wiped my tears away and he smiled at me.
„I just want to talk ok?" I nodded.

„You had an argument with Wooyoung?"
I nodded and I cried again.
„You don't need to cry. Wooyoung told Yunho and mr that you met a guy, Seonghwa and that he's the reason that you fighted. Oh Yeo, you really don't know anything about Hwa..."
I looked into his eyes and he bit onto his lip.

„Do you trust me?" Can I trust him?
I sighed and nodded.
„So we should go somewhere else."
I nodded and we went to his car.
We sat into it and we began to talk.

„You're really the one who texted Hwa that he took the risky way... what do you meant with that?" Mingi bit onto his lips and sighed.
„I'll be honest...Hwa is really not the one he pretends to be... I don't even know if you're safe..."
„What do you mean? I can't understand what you're saying..."
„Hwa is a friend of mine...I'm a hacker and I was the one who found out where you live and I gave him your phone number..."
My hands were shaking and my eyes were wet.

„I like him..." I felt the tears falling down and I sobbed. „Hwa likes you too but he's more obsessed than in love with you...Hwa doesn't know what love is." I looked at the red haired and he smiled sadly.

„I'm confused.."
„Hwa...I don't know how I should say that...Hwa is a psychopath..."
Mingi bit onto his lip and my hands were shaking...
„A psychopath-" I whispered and I was so shocked.



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