chapter three

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Wooyoung's pov.

I saw how Yeo looked at Seonghwa and I knew exactly that he was his type. I mean Seonghwa is attractive yes but he has a girlfriend.
Seonghwa also couldn't stop looking at Yeo and he seemed to be interested in my best friend.

San smirked at me and I knew that he want to leave. I don't wanted to leave Yeo alone but I wanted to be alone with San. He's so attractive and I really want to confess that I love him but I don't know if he would be mad or not. I walked with San into one of the VIP rooms. He immediately pushed me on the couch and hovered over me.
„Hm I missed you babyboy.",he whispered and licked over my lips. I chuckled and grabbed his hair. I kissed him passionately and he smirked. I totally love him and I don't care anymore that he's my sugar Daddy, I mean yeah he gives me money for having sex with him but I also really enjoys it.

Maybe I'm weird for falling in love with him.
„Hm it seems that you also missed me.",he whispered into my neck and I felt his breath against my neck. „Yeah...I missed you a lot Daddy.",I said and chuckled. I wanted that he fucks me so bad. I love it when he's going rough. „I don't want to have sex tonight.",he said and backed away. I just stared at him and was speechless.

I just put these clothes on for him but he isn't interested in fucking me? He smiled and licked over his lips. „Ah you look very attractive today.",he said and winked. I bit onto my lip and was upset that he made me horny and doesn't want to fuck me.

„I want to talk about something.",he said and cupped my face. He looked deep into my eyes and he looked so hot while he stared at me. Oh shit, I want to make out with him. „I can't be your sugar Daddy anymore.",he said and my jaw dropped. I was so shocked because I love him. He can't do this to me. „You know that I'm rich enough to pay you and you can still have my money but we can't see us anymore.", he said and looked with a sad smile at me. My heart ached and I wanted to cry.

„I need to marry someone.",he said and I looked away. He wants to give me his money when he needs to marry someone. Yes, I need money but I don't want it when I can't see him. It doesn't feel right. „I don't want your money.",I said and stood up. I left the room and walked to the bar. Yeo wasn't anywhere and I was worried. Hongjoong, the Barkeeper, looked at me. „Do you saw my friend? He's a bit taller than me, has blonde hair and is really cute?",I asked him and he nodded. „He went with Seonghwa away...",he told me and I sighed.

With Seonghwa, is he really so dumb to go with him? Seonghwa has a girlfriend.
I told Hongjoong that he should say Yeo, when he sees him, that he should call me.

I went home and cried a lot. I couldn't believe that San did this. I love him so much and he told me that he doesn't want to be with me.

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