chapter thirty

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Seonghwa's pov.

I woke up and it was so warm.
I stretched me and Yeosang mumbled something.

„Yeo did you sleep well?" He opened his eyes and looked at me.
„What happened-?" „Uh we...we had sex."
He rubbed his eyes and bit onto his lip.

„I remember..." I stroke his cheek and he turned his face away from me.
He sat up and ran his hand trough his hair.

„Do you regret it?" He shook his head.
„I wanted that." I hugged him from behind and pulled him on my lap.
His back was against my chest and I kissed his neck.

„Hwa...I feel bad because of Yunho..."
„Uh you don't need to." He looked at me and I smiled.
I grabbed my phone and showed him the message from Mingi.

I slept with Yunho...
What should I do?
I don't regret it and tbh I really liked it...

Yeo sighed and smiled at me.
„I missed you Hwa." „I missed you too Yeo."
I kissed his forehead and we put our clothes on.

„Should we eat breakfast together?" He nodded and we went to a Café.
We enjoyed the time together and I want to tell him what I really feel when he's with me.

„Uhm Yeo?" He looked deep into my eyes and he just took a bite from his croissant. He had chocolate on his lips and I wiped it away.
„What?" „I need to tell you something."

He nodded and ate his croissant.
„I...I really like you Yeo-" „Can we talk later about it?" I nodded and I was nervous.
Does he even like me or does he just want sex?

I never felt something like that and I was kinda sad that he told me that he wants to talk later...

We finished our breakfast and I paid.
We walked out of the Café and I took his hand. His cheeks turned red and his lips parted.
„Hwa...I lied when I-" „Hm."

He looked deep into my eyes and I saw that he was close to tears.
„Hwa-" „No Yeo."

„Yeo I love you ok? I really do so please do not say that I can't because you don't know how nervous your presence makes me. You don't know it."
He sighed and hugged me tightly.

„Hwa I love you too..." my eyes widened and I let him look into my face.
I wiped his tears away and he sobbed softly.

„...but I know that you're not the person you pretended to be." „Yeo no...I didn't lied to you..."
„You also didn't told me about all that...You had secrets and do you know how much that hurts?"

„Yeo please..." „I can' mind is full of thoughts-" „Then talk with me about it."

„I'm scared that you might hurt me..."
I shook my head and I cried. I cried in front of him.
„Yeo I can't hurt you." „You don't know it Hwa...what if you don't like it when-"

„Yeo please stop." He saw me crying and he shook his head.
„I don't regret the sex but I need time."
He went away and let me stay here.
I don't wanted to follow him.

My heart raced so fast and it hurt. I'm so scared that he don't want me.

I'm so weak because of him.

I can't hurt him.



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