chapter eleven

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Seonghwa's pov.

I couldn't believe that they don't love each other. They pretended to be happy but they weren't.
„Uh..." „what?" „Nothing I got a message from Mingi, it's important..."

I saw Yeosang with Wooyoung in the college building.

Shit, I'm afraid that he'll talk with him about it.
„Is everything ok?" I just nodded. I couldn't explain it when Ryujin is here.
San nodded and Ryujin sighed.
„San...I can't marry you." „Huh." His eyes widened but he smiled. „I also can't marry you." Ryujin hugged him tightly.
„I'm sorry Ryujin." „No no I know about Wooyoung." „What-" she smiled and he bit onto his lip.

„Can we watch TV?" „Sure."
San put the TV on and the news were on.
A moderator talked about a girl, about Yuna...
„Shin Yuna, the girlfriend from Park Seonghwa is since a few days missing.."
Ryujin and San looked immediately at me.
San just played along.
„I didn't saw her since the party...she left before me." Ryujin nodded and sighed.
„She had an affair..." My eyes widened and I clenched my fists.
„She dared to cheat on me?!" „Calm down Hwa." „No she cheated on me!"
San shook his head and I could clearly see his cocky smile. I knew he wanted to mention my one night stand with Yeosang...

My phone rang and Mingi's name appeared on the display.
„I need to answer this." They nodded and I went into the garden.
„Yeah?" „Yuna is missing?" „No..." „You killed her right?" I sighed and Mingi laughed.
„I'm always right and you know that..." „Yeah I killed her." „Ugh Hwa you killed a lot of even have some of them in your basement..." „Woah Mingi chill...I know what I'm doing." „No you don't know, you just do that what feels right in that let your feelings guide you..."

Huh sometimes he's so annoying. I just hung up and went back inside of San's house.
„And?" „It doesn't matter..." San knew that I pretended that everything is fine. I sighed and sat on the couch.

„So you won't marry?" They both shook their heads and I nodded. „Aren't you sad because of Yuna?" I sighed and bit onto my lip. „I don't care about her anymore..."
„Ok." Ryujin sighed and San bit onto his lip.


Sorry that it's short🌱

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